Example sentences of "could mean the end " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the book there are false notes , those of a Hemingway war correspondent : ‘ Every knock at the door could mean the end for me .
2 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
3 If an election is held in Punjab in May as promised , it seems certain that the militants will win , and that could mean the end of the careers ( and perhaps lives ) of tough cops .
4 The National Labrador Welfare Centre was started by the efforts of one lady and is run from her own home ; but decreasing resources could mean the end of this rescue success story , now in desperate need of your help
5 But top psychiatrist Professor Stuart Fischoff says if Diana underwent treatment it could mean the end of her marriage .
6 LAST LAUGH : Grobbelaar 's Zimbabwean safari could mean the end for Liverpool 's clown prince of goalkeeping
7 For Televisa that could mean the end of a luxurious fiesta .
8 One of those lamented that a judgement against Koons could mean the end of ‘ appropriation ’ , a practice in which artists either manipulate or simply reproduce images from other sources to comment critically on the social core of notions of meaning or beauty .
9 Other global problems , such as food supply or the greenhouse effect , are relatively slow-acting , but a nuclear war could mean the end of all human life on earth within days .
10 An insider says : ‘ You can speculate that this could mean the end of Rover 's relationship with BSB Dorland . ’
11 But there are fears that the government 's vigorous attempts to clamp down on cautioning could mean the end to a well supported and apparently successful scheme .
12 This CD could mean the end of the videocassette .
13 And that could mean the end for the peace camp which dates back eleven years .
14 And they fear it could mean the end of traditional pubs .
15 But Brendan Boyle , spokesman for the Darlington branch of the Campaign For Real Ale , fears the leases could mean the end of many traditional pubs .
16 The leases have brewed up a storm in Darlington as landlords say they could mean the end of many traditional pubs .
17 Wales seem ready to support a proposal by England which , if approved , could mean the end to the dominance of sevens in the last full month of the Scottish season .
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