Example sentences of "could still [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Up till the outbreak of the First World War the needs of the industrial world could still be met almost entirely from alluvial deposits .
2 In this case , subsistence requirements could still be met from cotton income , but as there appears to be no clearly demonstrated link between cash crop promotion and improvements in food crops to make up for the shortfall in the cropping area that results from giving over the land to cash crops , the issue of food security must be raised .
3 The mechanism could still be operated satisfactorily by diplomatic services which were small and content to remain so .
4 As breed numbers are now critically low , reliable yield figures are unavailable , but its dairy potential could still be exploited .
5 But the families in the little awkward places , at the heads of the small glens , on boggy ground that would not drain — they were nearly helpless , they trembled on the threshold of destitution , impaled on the horn of the one-year lease , uncertain whether it was worth going into debt to improve the ground and knowing that , even if they did , they could still be turned out next term day and their place annexed to the holding of a better-off neighbour .
6 ‘ C ’ talks of seeing what can be salvaged , seeing if this man could still be turned , to follow the original score .
7 On the day before the auction , Bob Spence inspected the Swordfish and his friend Claude Johnson helped to point out HS554 as the best one of the bunch — it was the only one of the seven that had an engine that could still be turned over .
8 His security could still be threatened at the one point left vulnerable .
9 Eleven devices have been found at Europe 's biggest shopping complex and a police chief said last night that more could still be hidden .
10 By the beginning of 1948 his position was strong but could still be challenged .
11 If this continues , the emotive two-million barrier for the year could still be broken , though last year 's 2.3 million record will take some beating .
12 Ralph Howell , MP for Norfolk North which includes the royal home of Sandringham , said on the suggestion that Princess Diana could still be crowned queen in Westminster Abbey : ‘ There was some surprise in the Commons .
13 The group is asking the commission to reopen its inquiry into the environmental consequences of the road and believes the case could still be referred to the European Court of Justice if the government is found to have infringed EC directives .
14 And if you hang it up then it will swing about and could still be damaged .
15 Our outdoor training sessions , however , could still be spoiled by hostile dogs , which would sometimes lunge at us from garden walls or charge round corners .
16 However , it could still be argued that biological inequalities , no matter how small , provide the foundation upon which structures of social inequality are built .
17 Derain 's Baigneuses is in many ways closer in spirit to the Demoiselles , and it was regarded by Vauxcelles at least , as a revolutionary work , but it had the advantage that it could still be fitted into a traditional frame of reference .
18 Antibodies could still be demonstrated in one patient 20 years after a proctocolectomy .
19 Like Harrison , he expected that an earlier form of Afghan neutralism could still be resuscitated .
20 Even during our period a great part of agriculture was conducted in ways which would have been quite familiar a hundred , even two hundred years earlier , which was natural since striking results could still be achieved by generalising the best methods known to pre-industrial farming .
21 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , searching for signs of belief that something could still be made of the occasion .
22 Otherwise unions could still be made to pay damages to an employer .
23 As the bulk of the material was culled from just three radio sessions , this proved that an album of quality could still be made for less than the cost of recording your average chart single .
24 A careful distillation of the principles of public service broadcasting submitted by the Broadcasting Research Unit to the Peacock Committee in 1985 showed that the old values that were in place in 1945 could still be made to fit the diverse and vastly changed system forty years on .
25 Where old cries could still be made to work , old strongholds in the seaside resorts , cathedral towns , market towns and suburbs returned to their previous loyalty .
26 Diplomacy could still be made an uncomfortable and even dangerous profession by the slowness and physical difficulty of communications and by the inconveniences of life in the smaller and more remote capitals .
27 The crane ratchets of the later arrivals could still be heard clearly as their crews outramped , and rising bow waves could be spotted as an occasional laggard powered upstream to its proper place in the echelon .
28 Detente , the cold peace , had started with the crack of a rifle in downtown Dallas , and the echoes could still be heard in the corridors of the White House .
29 Sounds of fighting could still be heard from the far side of the bailey , but it was easily apparent that de Raimes ' men were outnumbered and outclassed .
30 Inside the walls at Famagusta Gate , the shouting could still be heard as the Queen was presented with the key to the city by the Mayor of Nicosia .
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