Example sentences of "could see [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I could see Martina down the end of the passage , aproned , with plates in her hand .
2 He could see Ruth at the door of his office , frowning , shaking her head , looking back over her shoulder .
3 He could see Chris in the little circle surrounding Finnegan 's ball .
4 His eyes opened wide , and suddenly he could see Kirov in a new light .
5 He held it there , lowered his head , peeped into the room , smiling , wondering if he could see Fi from this angle .
6 I could see the Wood to my right and way across the Paddock I could see Waters in the Shogun patrolling the edge of the Orchard .
7 Soon we could see Rona in detail and skirting Gealldruig Mhor , the outlying skerry to the south , we could see by the white-based cliffs that a heavy swell was running .
8 And Julius Caesar stood in France in because he was in , the place he captured in France , and he could see Britain across the water and he wondered what the land was like over there .
9 When her eyes grew accustomed to the night Marian could see Allen on his knees disentangling a coil of rope .
10 He could see Vasco on the street , fourteen years old , face like a guitar .
11 Everyone remarked on how she 'd taken after my side of the family but I could see George in her , I was certain of it .
12 I reckoned , however , that if I went back to Edinburgh , I could see Leslie for the occasional ‘ forty-eight hours ’ .
13 Out of the corner of her eye , she could see Jamie in conversation with two people she did n't recognize .
14 Harry did not look up , but continued paying out the flex until he rounded the corner of the deck-house and could see Richard without bothering to turn his head .
15 She could see Dorcas in the back of the cab , explaining what various levers did .
16 He could see Kathleen in front of the treatment table , clutching a stitch-cutter like a lifeline , and as the man lunged at her he threw himself forward and grappled with him , falling with him to the floor .
17 Way in the background , Lucy could see Josie with her back to the door as she cleaned up around the makeup chair .
18 I could see Charlotte behind him .
19 than first so he could see Claire with her not being very well mid-morning and er he said er
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