Example sentences of "could do without [art] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd started by thinking he could do without a chauffeur .
2 She could do without a powerful , handsome French stepbrother , especially one who had used private detectives to find her .
3 The fact is , though , that we could do without a distraction just now . ’
4 Pleasant to browse but unwise to buy as I could do without the extra weight of heavy tomes for the long haul after the town up past Hay Bluff to the Gospel Pass — a climb to more than 1,750 ft .
5 And he thought he could do without the high-interest assistance of French or Swiss bankers .
6 Well I think there 's a distinct possibility that the people have Scotland may have then decided that they could do without the monarchy .
7 She could do without the Romance and the Glamour , the heart-stopping uniform and the V.C.
8 Well I was I 've looked , Peter Davis , North Yorkshire , I 've just glanced down the table at certainly at the er my Greater York district colleagues , and er certainly we er are rather surprised that er you have the impression that you have the impression that er erm we could do without the erm the new settlement , quite clearly erm erm certainly Harrogate , Selby , er and Ryedale , and the County Council , believe the the new settlement is absolutely essential , erm and I think that 's erm erm certainly a matter of agreement between er us and those three districts , it 's absolutely essential .
9 We could do without the stop the buses altogether .
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