Example sentences of "could do [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
2 Blake was back in Moscow where he could do no more harm .
3 The doctor , a man named Champney , realised he could do no more for her but , on hearing of the stranger ( Mary Ashley did not know Tawell , but described him as a Quaker ) , he set out to trace him .
4 Anne Butler could do no more but return home .
5 There were genuine attempts to curb these activities but the PLO could do no more than send its security units into the streets to prevent looting .
6 Much of the time , I could do no more than lie on the wheelbarrow to hold it down .
7 But while Anita ‘ maintained an indifferent and callous manner ’ towards the affair , the RCM could do no more than appeal to her better instincts .
8 Although her brother , Bert , was now employed by a local fisherman , Arnold Spence , and could do no more than a few day 's work at Four Winds now and then , nevertheless her new arrangements left Harriet free to work outside herself and this regular exercise had a calming effect , releasing her from a great deal of inner tension .
9 It was so absorbed in its feast that it ignored the soft approach of the man who had treated it so kindly , and could do no more than scratch and struggle as it was grasped by the neck , and lifted from the ground , its belly exposed to the flashing steel blade of a fish knife .
10 Too weak to bargain over the State 's impositions , the townsmen could do no more than try to spread the burden as thinly as possible .
11 Against the powerful opposition of many in the Nazi hierarchy Vlasov 's German supporters could do no more than secure permission to use the general for propaganda purposes .
12 In theory a statute could do no more than declare existing law ; and statutes were cast in a declaratory form .
13 As it was , the dying Count could do no more than give instructions that his body should not be buried until Henry had promised to observe the terms of his father 's will .
14 Louis VII , having given Henry what he wanted , could do no more than bewail the fate of his friends .
15 Her lungs burst into fragments of agony so infinite that her lower lip could do no more than flop open and dribble out a feeble croak .
16 Even Schopenhauer could do no more than persist in a hopeless search for truth .
17 They might come and see how competent she was to run it if they chose , but short of abducting her , they could do no more than advise .
18 I could do no more than prowl about him .
19 The field was chaotic now , the archers had done their part , and could do no more from this on but let fly at the occasional fugitive .
20 On television that evening Mobutu said that the conference could do no more than write the new constitution , and could not adopt it .
21 In the short time available to her on 16th October Hilary could do no more than give a very sketchy account of her visit but enough to whet our appetites for more .
22 Even so the president could do no more than test the reaction of the ambassador to some of the advice and conclusions of his own government machine .
23 Feeling battered in mind and body by the time Laura announced that she felt able to take a break — and how about an early lunch ? — Anita could do no more than give her a dumb nod of agreement .
24 Another consequence of the labelling of Impressionism and other groups by critics was that some artists naturally decided that they themselves could do the same job better than the critics .
25 If you would like more information on how we coped with the Lloyds ' slope and how you could do the same with yours , write enclosing a stamped addressed envelope to The Horticultural Trades Association , PO Box 56 , Reading , Berkshire RG7 5JJ .
26 One could do the same thing with ‘ unicorn ’ , which has sense but no verifiable reference .
27 It was your idea for me to do the swimming , so I thought you could do the same for me . ’
28 Ultraviolet radiation could do the same job as the electrical discharge in their laboratory .
29 I thought that I could do the same in sprinting .
30 I could do the same thing with rich people I suppose , I could paint yuppies .
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