Example sentences of "could be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll have to carry something that could be the money .
2 This could be the case , but there is no evidence to suggest that the amount of ‘ in-house ’ appraisal is extensive .
3 It is doubtful if this could be the case if he used Mark as his main source as that Gospel was not written until about 65 AD .
4 It is possible , however , to construct a model in which facilitation and LTP are both presynaptic and yet involve additive , non-interacting mechanisms ; this could be the case , for example , if the initial probability of release were very low .
5 Indeed , capital movements may offset the current account deficit if speculators think that the exchange rate will recover to its former level in the near future , as could be the case if the current account deficit is thought to be temporary .
6 From a variationist point of view , however , this is not necessarily conclusive , as language is variable at all times ; thus , it could be the case that modern [ h ] -ful and [ h ] -less varieties are each equally derived from varieties in which [ h ] -loss was variable — not categorically absent or categorically present .
7 In many parts of the world , as King 's survey stresses , the redistribution process involves the splitting-up of large estates , where land is farmed to produce a satisfactory return for the owners but not as intensively as could be the case ; insufficient land productivity is thus a contributory cause of the widespread poverty .
8 A more substantial criticism of this line of thinking is that , being sociological and stating what is the case , it does not offer us any positive conception of what could be the case .
9 It could be the case that version A was perceived as a radically sceptical play and that the B version later came to dominate because the authorities were unhappy with the other version which more manifestly challenged orthodoxies .
10 ‘ What makes you think that could be the case ? ’ he rasped irritably .
11 This could be the case with Valerie 's reported speech in D-2 and D-4 :
12 This could be the case , for example , in Conversation F-1 where Valerie assumes a Creole-speaking persona when she expresses irritation .
13 I mean that could be the case at eight .
14 terminal five does n't exist , it could be , that could be the case , research has to be done to see what er , yeah it could be that air , air line capacity and air line will drop as a result of er forward thinking rail scheme and there is evidence from the Rhone to Seine Rider Scheme that 's been undertaken by the French , German and Swiss governments of the a drop in demand for internal flights in those areas and because of the German equipment everything is there .
15 On the day of the Station sports I tried harder than I had ever tried in any of my events , and the results were exactly as predicted by old Doc Whittingham " not in the first three , could make fourth if he really tries hard enough " ( which could be the story of my life ) .
16 Or it could be the Brownie whose egg is in the best condition .
17 Nevertheless , Michael Bailey believes that this could be the beginning of the end of Asian drive fisheries , and that by working with people , with an understanding of their culture and needs , cooperation can result .
18 A rift has opened up within the leadership of the parliament , which could be the beginning of the end for it .
19 Instead , he was alone with what could be the beginning of a collection of oriental carpets , and pining , however slightly , for a young girl one-half his age .
20 This could be the beginning of big , big trouble .
21 The grounding could be the beginning of the end for the Wessex — with a gradual phasing out over the next few years :
22 Or it could be the beginning of justice and the end of administering the law , because , how much of what goes on in court is actually administering the law , rather than determining natural justice .
23 ‘ It could be the river . ’
24 He tried to settle matters between Cecily and Watkin the dung collector 's wife and achieved some accord : Cecily would be the Madonna provided Watkin 's wife could be the Virgin 's cousin , Saint Elizabeth .
25 Well some of that could be the tablets you 're on .
26 The most important marketer for the school could be the secretary who snarls at parents when they call or phone .
27 In contrast , the recognition point of THOUSIDING is comparatively late — until the first I is heard the stimulus could be the word thousand .
28 The first step is to determine which system might affect the subsequent course of events ; these could be the station 's electrical system , the ECCS , the radioactivity scrubbing system , and the containment system .
29 ‘ He told me he did n't think he could be the Nelson Algren of his generation , ’ Vanderford says .
30 The target sales figure for the first year is 1,000 units though Mr McPherson reckons that this could be the tip of the iceberg .
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