Example sentences of "could for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Addressed to the archbishop and all the prelates assembled at Lambeth , it commanded them , on their oaths of fealty , to do all that they could for the defence and conservation of the king 's rights and of his realm ; it then continued :
2 The brindle hounds , John Deverill 's speciality and obsession , stood well to order at one side of the drive with the whippers-in waiting as patiently as they could for the order to move off .
3 Many severely handicapped children do die at an early age through natural causes , but at least the parents can feel that they did everything they could for the child when it was alive .
4 His energy revived , Richard was now intent on keeping Victoria 's company as much to himself as he could for the rest of the day .
5 And of course everyone knew all about it , just as they knew that the Mackays , poor souls , had done everything they could for the boy ever since they took him in for adoption . ’
6 Using highly mobile soldiers to avoid battle , Bruce used the physical geography of Scotland to make conditions as difficult as he could for the English who , risking starvation and ambush , had to be very careful not to overstretch themselves and to keep open their lines of communication as best they could through the control of castles , in particular the vital one at Stirling , which dominated the lowest point at which the river Forth could be crossed by bridge .
7 Those who talked to Harold Macmillan at this time were sure that this cold politicking did not enter his head ; that he was sincere and only wanted to do the best that he could for the Church .
8 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
9 Within the material constraints of the situation they did what they could for the kids .
10 He thought he had got all he could for the time being .
11 He made as swiftly as he could for the foyer .
12 He had groomed himself as best as he could for the interview .
13 I watched the distant cloud from the explosion drift away over the firth , dispersing , then I turned and ran as fast as I could for the house .
14 Whatever the reasons and after some soul searching they sold their home and entered college in 1921 , making the best arrangements they could for the children .
15 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
16 Nevertheless , it was certainly an improvement on the preceding 40 years of Anglo-French relations , and the Emperor could for the moment feel reasonably proud of his achievement .
17 I had discovered all I could for the moment .
18 ‘ Not too good , I 'm afraid — I did everything I could for the moment , but his kidney failure is almost complete .
19 He had so manipulated the situation that if she wanted to do what she could for the twins she had no alternative but to agree to his terms .
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