Example sentences of "could only [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For Schopenhauer , valuable as all the arts were , music was the art which uniquely penetrated the depths of metaphysical reality and expressed the essence of that reality , the will , directly : " the composer reveals the innermost nature of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom in a language which his rational faculty does not understand " , Words , on the other hand , like the instruments of reason that they are , could only intrude from the secondary world of physical phenomena , with which true music was not concerned .
2 He said that councillors had no idea what was going on , and could only rely on the advice of the council 's officials .
3 She could only rely on that , his wearying before she did .
4 The company was bound by the representation and could only rely on the exclusion clause to exclude liability for damage to beads and sequins .
5 There were large and small holes and we could only go through a hole once .
6 Prisoners offered the choice very rarely preferred death to the colonies but , because they were essentially treated in the same way as indentured servants , they could only go to America if a merchant was willing to take them on the basis of a calculation that he could sell their services at the other end .
7 Rolling over was a painful if not too difficult manoeuvre , but , even with Travis helping all he could , it was an exhausting process trying to find his pocket and reach into it when she could only go by touch .
8 He liked to remind Owen that , out on a privileged limb though the Mamur Zapt might be , he , Garvin , had access to levels that Owen could only aspire to .
9 Warned that she could only stay for a few moments , Laura had sat down quietly in a chair beside the bed , taking her cousin 's inert , pale hand and praying , as she had never prayed before , that Liz would be able to survive her ordeal .
10 The fact that the Erne outfit could only draw with Armagh on Sunday last despite having home advantage does not lessen McCabe 's optimism as he anticipates this week-end 's replay at the Athletic Grounds .
11 Corbett could only shout at Ranulf to stay and do nothing before Selkirk took him at a canter out of the abbey .
12 But , he favoured her with what she could only perceive as a reassuring smile when , ‘ I 'm on my way to Mariánské Láznë myself , ’ he commented easily , ‘ so that 's one problem you can forget . ’
13 Martin Cruz Smith has an intriguing hero to play with ; if he could only Strive For a Decisive Upswing in Plot Design , his mastery of the chilly thriller would be complete .
14 In the meantime they could only speculate about the revealed cosmos .
15 However , despite Lord Morton 's words quoted above , in some cases the courts have been prepared to interpret clauses restrictively even where liability could only arise in negligence .
16 He contended that pleasure could only arise from the satisfaction of an impulse and that therefore there could be no pleasure , and no possibility of satisfying a desire for pleasure , unless there were impulses towards things other than pleasure .
17 A Help the Aged spokesman confirms the charity could only move into television with Eagle Star help .
18 For some reason she could only move with nightmarish sluggishness , while everyone around her tore past with dizzying speed .
19 Our troops could only move on the roads and had to be supplied with food .
20 The Padre was very weak now , and could only move from place to place if someone helped him .
21 It will be noted that section 37(3) refers to ‘ assets located within that jurisdiction ’ , a reference which reflects , but does not directly confirm , the understanding of the position which prevailed in 1981 , that an injunction could only attach to assets within England and Wales .
22 But it was probably too late to persuade Bigwig to be gentle : he could only hope for the best .
23 The problem with Orwell is that he could only think of class conflict in terms of major insurrectionary conflict .
24 Oddly enough , he never gave a thought to the child being born with such difficulty ; he could only think of his wife .
25 Despite her ordeal the woman could only think of her boyfriend , but by the time police arrived to free him , he had wriggled free and managed to open the boot from the inside .
26 ‘ I could only think of stupid , unimportant questions .
27 He could only think of the confessional 's stock-in-trade : ‘ Did you find pleasure in it , Luke ? ’
28 I could only think of that oh so English phrase ‘ It 's not fair ’ .
29 They could only think of another children 's home .
30 She could only think of Adam and pray he would be all right .
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