Example sentences of "could have [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 And unfortunately I 'd eaten a large quantity of this Afghani black and I was really bombed out and I slept half way through Jimi Hendrix and I could have kicked myself .
2 Oh I could have kicked myself when I got up there .
3 On the journey he could have kicked himself .
4 He could have kicked himself , however , for imagining that although Eleanor had kept to her promise of inviting him to a meal , the ‘ little party ’ she had proposed would actually materialise .
5 He could have kicked himself .
6 Charles could have kicked himself for the cliché .
7 She could have kicked herself .
8 She could have kicked herself for the remark , for allowing Piers to see how much he got underneath her skin , but she could n't prevent herself .
9 She could have kicked herself as she added the last bit .
10 As soon as the words were out she could have kicked herself .
11 Belinda could have kicked herself .
12 Carrie could have kicked herself , even though she would have dearly liked to hear Seb say it no longer mattered .
13 The moment the words were out of her mouth Leonora could have kicked herself .
14 Similarly , different nucleotides could have strung together to form primitive nucleic acid ; but it is difficult , now , to see how that primitive nucleic acid could have replicated itself efficiently , without the help of some primitive protein .
15 ‘ He believed in the code of loyalty and silence but he could have done himself a favour by letting us know where all the gold was . ’
16 ‘ It was a very important game , because one of the top assessors was there , but if I continued after half time , I could have done myself harm physically .
17 The Candy Skins could have named themselves after those stirring Scotts The Fire Engines , who pre dated The Wedding Present 's edgy guitars by about six years .
18 The Candy Skins could have named themselves after those stirring Scotts The Fire Engines , who pre dated The Wedding Present 's edgy guitars by about six years .
19 In effect , there was no apparatus , military or political , whereby Rome could have imposed herself forcibly on Ireland .
20 The other event that I remember well was when my Uncle Ned could have made himself a bit of money when a bird was shot down in mistake for a grouse .
21 I waited in the corridor for our blanket and any message for Sister Casualty , and brooded on the baby 's chances of survival , how any mother could have made herself pack her own baby in a carrier-bag , and what kind of thoughts passed through a woman 's mind when she walked away after abandoning her baby in a telephone-box , or anywhere else .
22 To think they could have saved themselves the worry .
23 ‘ I could have saved myself that fee . ’
24 I could have saved myself the trouble .
25 If that 's what you 've been looking for you could have saved yourself the trouble .
26 ‘ So you could have saved yourself half an hour by going there . ’
27 Prime Minister John Major could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he had followed that advice over David Mellor , the former Heritage Minister .
28 So he could have saved himself but he did n't want to .
29 We could have saved ourselves so much time and grief .
30 The Gnostics could not believe that in Christ the eternal God could have polluted himself by taking flesh and enduring crucifixion ; in the first epistle of John this denial is directly combated .
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