Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 If Dad is a war movie buff you could treat him to the classic Bridge Over The River Kwai .
2 Instead of giving your mum chocolates ( or cake as they did in those days ) , you could treat her to a special melon basket , which can be prepared the day before .
3 The lord could grant it to whom he would .
4 I do n't like to blow my own trumpet but My Better Half could eat it to a band playing .
5 When the statement was just a proposal banks objected to it fiercely , arguing that unpredictable day-to-day swings in securities prices , for example , could expose them to crises of confidence among investors .
6 The treatment can offset some effects of menopause , including brittle bone disease — osteoporosis — but the study reveals that the wrong kind of HRT could expose them to the risk of womb cancer .
7 She was Labour , she said , but was n't sure she could make it to the polls .
8 ‘ You could make it to the end now , and I 'll tell old Sam you 've done a length . ’
9 With fifteen laps to go , the race was his : if he could make it to the end .
10 She sincerely hoped that she could make it to the track before any car came because she knew exactly what a mess she looked .
11 Leonora watched him go with mixed feelings , not really sure she could make it to the bathroom alone , despite her fine words .
12 He could lend them to others .
13 I could lend it to you but got it at the moment you know .
14 Now , the reason we particularly were interested in this was that from the questionnaire we already were beginning to get back some information , and we discovered that eighty-six percent of people had seen their G P in the previous year , and maybe if we could introduce them to the age-well project at some point during that contact , we would be able to achieve something .
15 Maybe I could introduce him to my sceptical American editor friend ?
16 I think of people I could introduce him to .
17 But if you do n't mind this cinema verité approach to pornography and you get turned on by freaky-looking people , then the amateur video could introduce you to some interesting new bedtime pals .
18 I could introduce you to Miguelito . ’
19 There was no danger now , he could enjoy it to the full .
20 Well I could screw it to the wall .
21 One of them — the owner of a mobile whelk stall in South Wimbledon — had told the doctor that he could sentence her to death until he was blue in the face and that he , personally , could not give a flying fuck .
22 Charles II found land grants very convenient ; he could give them to people who at the beginning of the century would have asked for monopolies and he could feel confident that these grants would not rouse the hostility in England that monopolies had caused .
23 She had bought some cigarettes for John and was wondering when she could give them to him .
24 I could put it into Event , or I could give it to you for Time Out …
25 Into Lucy 's keeping , so she could give it to him and with it , he could challenge the system that had tormented him and millions of the innocent .
26 Whereas before , when I was working , I could give it to them .
27 ‘ I could give it to another paper instead , could n't I ? ’
28 He reached out for the book , but before Melissa could give it to him , Gebrec snatched it from her .
29 You could give it to them could n't you ?
30 I could give it to her if I 'd had it .
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