Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [pers pn] on " in BNC.

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1 They were able to request anything they wanted from their administrative colleagues which they felt could aid them on any given mission .
2 I thought I could make it on my own here , but I 'm not so certain now .
3 a derivative of it , which gave you the same high that ecstasy does and er , and if you did n't it from the doctor you could buy it on the street .
4 ‘ My office sought to arrange an interview with the Secretary of State for Employment so I could brief her on the situation .
5 We could hang them on the walls .
6 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
7 He could smell it on him .
8 She could smell it on his breath when she kissed him , so she buried her face in his chest and stroked his shoulders .
9 And at once I could smell it on the tied-on head-cushion — that same elusive , old-fashioned perfume of the towel , of the glove .
10 Also , I was interested in any information you could give me on working in advertising or public relations on a music journal .
11 The brochure also would have outlined a number of other aspects in in more detail than I could give you on the phone .
12 It would be more convenient for me if I could collect them on Friday 10 May in the afternoon , say at 3.30 p.m. or later rather than at 11.30 a.m .
13 The sleeping-bag he rolled up in the blankets and tied with belts so that he could carry it on his back .
14 But why go to all that trouble to make a 2D character appear solid when you could generate it on a computer in 3D in the first place ?
15 We could send them on their way with the odd arrow , maybe .
16 I could beat him on my bicycle ; if it was daytime the asscarts would overtake us , she thought .
17 ‘ The first 20 minutes will be critical and , the way he kicks , Botha could beat us on his own if we give him the chances , ’ said Carling , whose assessment was backed by pack leader Brian Moore .
18 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
19 ‘ Oh , I could do them on the train to the City some morning every week . ’
20 We could do it on the National Health .
21 Alternatively , the chairman could do it on his horn , ca n't he ?
22 Or or or the vice chairman could do it on alto clarinet and give somebody else a clarinet part to play .
23 I mean I wo n't go into detail , but I mean she could do endowment , she could do it on a maximum investment plan basis , to back up her P E P , erm and save regularly through different funds .
24 She could do it on the back an'all , she 's got a third of an acre of garden , it 's bloody massive .
25 I could do it on each of these .
26 He wants he 'll send us a er a rough erm sponsorship form cos I said we could do it on the computer you know , the
27 When I was at college I did a pastiche of the student magazine , doing the fold , and it was called Shell , so we renamed it for that one issue Rolling Shell , and I ever so carefully did the lettering for both the title boxes , then I got really disappointed when it came to set the type for the front page article underneath the big photograph which we printed as duo tone , because I could do it on the I B M — I could actually do it in Times and I thought it was going to be really , you know , I 'd have to really struggle and find
28 Snow settled on the blanket and he could feel it on the back of his neck .
29 Their relatives were overjoyed that they could see them on stage when they returned to their home town in the summer for a couple of weeks at the prestigious new Palace of Varieties .
30 On winter days the thin spirals of blue smoke were particularly visible , although , in fact , you could see them on most days save when heavy rain , snow , or mist came down like a curtain over everything except the immediate slope of the hill and its scattered beeches .
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