Example sentences of "could [be] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only Janice , eternally hopeful , kept her eye upon the possibilities ; she perched herself , kneeling , upon a chair , so that at least her head could be seen above the crowd .
2 The glint of diamanté or pearl-embroidered dresses could be seen under black veils .
3 was seldom indeed far from Irene 's side at public functions , and , even when separated by the exigencies of social intercourse , could be seen following her about with his eyes , in which were strange expressions of watchfulness and longing …
4 Before the last war the Royal Engineer Drag Hounds could be seen following the scent along the Pilgrims Road , but this is a sight no longer with us .
5 The visitors could be seen to be bewitched at the learning about the cathedral coming out of such callow lips .
6 In other words , the focus of Gironella 's attention is neither historically nor iconographically arbitrary , although in some ways his reworkings of the paintings of others could be seen to be simply an extension of a fairly conventional activity .
7 The pursuers were keeping up as best they could but held little hope of catching him , though at the first fence on the second circuit — the seventeenth in the race — Red Rum could be seen to be keeping on gamely .
8 By not calling it a ‘ Nuclear Obligation ’ , the government hoped to avoid a charge of totally rigging the market and could be seen to at least throw out a lifeline to the renewables .
9 Napoleon III had no intention of allowing this to happen and so he determined that the Court should never be more than a set-piece , a backdrop in front of which the principal figures of the regime could be seen to advantage .
10 There was a heap of rough geological specimens , including two almost spherical stones , a little like cannon balls , one black and one a sulphurous yellow , some ammonites and trilobites , a large crystal ball , a green glass inkwell , the articulated skeleton of a cat , a heap of books , two of which could be seen to be the Divina Commedia and Faust , and an hourglass in a wooden frame .
11 On timeliness alone Electronic Publishing ( EP ) could be seen to be established .
12 These idealised sentences often turn out to be based , in fact , on the conventions of written language in the academic sub-culture and these linguists could be seen to be perpetuating , albeit in more sophisticated terms , the older , ideological conception of writing as the model for speech .
13 Thus , the Report considers the universities mainly in so far as their influence could be seen to be reflected back on the school system examinations and the home .
14 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
15 That sort of thing could be seen to .
16 Darwin 's finches , for example , could be seen to be extremely interesting only when their affinities were pointed out to him by a taxonomist .
17 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
18 As state pension age is different for men and women , the Rules of the Scheme could be seen to be discriminatory .
19 Above them , on a grassy hill , loomed the Monument — an imitation ruined temple that could be seen for several kilometres around .
20 Then in the distance , the 6ft wave could be seen for the first time roaring up river at 10 mph .
21 Marx blinked at what could be seen of the office ceiling through the hanging cloud of his cigar smoke .
22 Three screens showed views of the slim man 's shelter of rocks , but all that could be seen of the target were the streams of laser fire that issued from his blaster .
23 All that could be seen of Daak was his chainsword , silent now and held aloft as Daak disappeared through the hole he had cut in the floor .
24 Although nothing could be seen of him but a silhouette Stephen was sure the man was looking at him , staring insolently at this approaching form across the intervening , pallid , tundra-like land .
25 Jangling her keys more like a jailer than an attendant , she went to gaze out of a narrow window at what could be seen of the prosperous modern city , returning to peer over my shoulder and sniff .
26 Dark clouds now covered the sky and what could be seen of the harbour was a study in greys , slate blues and silver .
27 ‘ If this does n't let up we 'll need something dry to change into , ’ he said , squinting up at what could be seen of a lowering sky .
28 A glimpse of rough woodland carpeted with bluebells and wild garlic could be seen beyond a daisy-sprinkled lawn ; a wisp of smoke spiralled up from the trees ; voices carried on the still air .
29 Mountains could be seen across the bay .
30 At last a rider could be seen across the fields .
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