Example sentences of "could [adv] [vb infin] at " in BNC.

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1 And that is completely against the wishes of both Maloney and even his own brother Dennis , who believe they could eventually get at least twice as much .
2 And that is completely against the wishes of both Frank Maloney and even his own brother Dennis , who believe they could eventually get at least twice as much .
3 To illustrate the potential usefulness of the strategy of nominalization , we could perhaps look at how it might be used to improve an existing translation .
4 I could perhaps put at least part of it in very homely erm and perhaps somewhat banal terms by saying that five minutes spent waiting for the person one loves may seem like five hours , whereas five hours spent with that person may appear a mere five minutes .
5 Or So they could all eat at least .
6 Corbett could only shout at Ranulf to stay and do nothing before Selkirk took him at a canter out of the abbey .
7 But the others could only stare at him in speechless amazement .
8 Dumbstruck at this insult , Polly could only stare at him .
9 Taken aback , she could only stare at him , open-mouthed .
10 Shocked , Theda could only stare at her .
11 Chris could only stare at the slowly moving ship .
12 His voice was so dead , so cold , so indifferent to her that she could only stare at him with a block like concrete lodged somewhere near her heart .
13 Her whole world felt as though it had just been rocked on its axis by the announcement , so that for long silent seconds she could only stare at him with pain in her eyes .
14 He had changed the subjet so adroitly that Juliet could only stare at him .
15 For a long moment Rory could only stare at him , totally nonplussed .
16 Shaken to the core by his words , Rory could only stare at him , her eyes large and haunted .
17 For a moment she could only stare at him , completely at a loss as to what he meant .
18 And while , still in a fog , Fabia could only stare at him , he touched a hand to her arm and this time , instead of commanding her to ‘ sit down ’ , he quietly asked , ‘ Would you be seated ?
19 The Phillips curve was regarded as an inescapable constraint on policy action which the authorities could only ignore at their peril .
20 We could only travel at the rate of the slowest ship , and once out in the Irish Sea were ‘ blacked out ’ .
21 Watching him , they were unable to see each other so could only guess at what warned him .
22 But after a week or two it became evident that the various bridgeheads were being held and advances being made ( at what cost we did not then know , but could only guess at ) , and that this was in fact the big event we had all been waiting for .
23 Although he could only guess at the enemy 's destination Hawke did not hesitate , as his despatch to the Admiralty next day confirms : ‘ I have carried a press of sail all night , with a hard gale at south-south-east , in pursuit of the enemy , and make no doubt of coming up with them at sea or in Quiberon Bay . ’
24 She could only guess at the operation .
25 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
26 Their motives he could only guess at , but shielding probably came high on the list .
27 What was going on in the castle they could only guess at .
28 He mumbled so badly that , half the time , I could only guess at what he might be saying .
29 The history of my birth is unclear because NHS records have now been lost , so doctors in later years could only guess at the cause of my disability which became evident a few week after I was born .
30 He seemed far away from Ruth , in a trance whose nature she could only guess at — but free , she thought , of the despair and anger that beset him in their own world .
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