Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 The court rejected this proposition , but went on to consider whether the Secretary of State could justifiably depart from the judicial view on tariff .
2 It was for the Roman to decide whether he would speak in Latin or in Greek to a Greek public — that is , with or without interpreter — and Aemilius Paulus could skilfully pass from one language to the other ( Liv .
3 It is hoped that some 6,000 organisations could eventually benefit from involvement with the project .
4 The narrow European Economic Community of the 1960s is developing into a wider European Community which could eventually stretch from the Atlantic to the Urals , from the Arctic Circle to the Bosphorus .
5 We could eventually remove from human life all the characteristics which make for human distress — criminality , war-making , and the like . ’
6 For Schopenhauer , valuable as all the arts were , music was the art which uniquely penetrated the depths of metaphysical reality and expressed the essence of that reality , the will , directly : " the composer reveals the innermost nature of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom in a language which his rational faculty does not understand " , Words , on the other hand , like the instruments of reason that they are , could only intrude from the secondary world of physical phenomena , with which true music was not concerned .
7 He contended that pleasure could only arise from the satisfaction of an impulse and that therefore there could be no pleasure , and no possibility of satisfying a desire for pleasure , unless there were impulses towards things other than pleasure .
8 The Padre was very weak now , and could only move from place to place if someone helped him .
9 ‘ I 'm taking you in my arms , ’ he returned with a calmness she could only envy from the bottom of her heart .
10 At first many people , including Israel himself , argued that since black holes had to be perfectly spherical , a black hole could only form from the collapse of a perfectly spherical object .
11 But since he had only a vague idea about the length of the Tarvaras day , he could only guess from the position of the sun and the length of the shadows that it was mid to late afternoon .
12 ’ The announcer could only guess from the urgency in the Chief Constable 's voice that the situation was very , very serious .
13 He predicted that the Sparc market could only benefit from the presence of a set of viable suppliers of Sparc chips — LSI Logic Corp and Cypress Semiconductor Corp having demonstrated ‘ less of a clear roadmap for the future ’ .
14 Because each and every one of our guests is treated with the inimitable style and personal attention that you could only expect from such a grand hotel .
15 are going to be doing under the new contract think you could only learn from that really .
16 She could hear fitzAlan firing more questions at her , sensed his rage was slipping out of control again , but could only flinch from it .
17 Carol had written it specially for Nicholson ; he could read some of the special nuances that would mean something to him and no one else , nuances that could only come from a friendship and working relationship spanning fifteen years .
18 Such lèse-majesté could only come from a member of the public .
19 The police were empowered to direct and to route processions , but a ban could only come from the Home Secretary .
20 At Ashburnham , Brown created a late eighteenth-century sense of ‘ wilderness ’ that could only come from the utmost ingenuity ; sudden ‘ surprise ’ views of the house replaced the structured avenues and rigid vistas of earlier occupants .
21 There was practically none of the systematic planning and oversight which so characterised Bath and many other spas : that could only come from the implementation of a single plan by a great landowner and architect , and Brighton had a few of these .
22 Chainsaw guitars , bonecrusher drums , some bloke yammering on about serial killers … a sound that could only come from one place .
23 And these infringements , needless to say , could only come from the Vietminh .
24 Such hard evidence could only come from the rocks .
25 It gets its name from the belief that such a flower could only come from the home of a god — Mt Parnassus .
26 So , if we knew that P was the first letter of a word we would know that the second letter could only come from a small group , and that A , E , I , O , and U are the most likely candidates , H and S are less likely but possible , and F and N very unlikely , but not impossible .
27 Because of the changed security situation and that type of er conflict not being envisaged in the same way now , what we felt was important was to be able to operate er apart from main operating bases , but also from sort of general purpose erm strips , flying clubs and those type of smaller airfields and therefore rather than looking at the damaged runway situation , we looked at the smaller strips and took a length that we could sensibly operate from erm and took that as the yardstick but clearly notwithstanding that , there is the prospect of damaged runways and therefore the slight relaxation would also apply to damaged runways but perhaps damaged to a lesser extent .
28 Finally , the new limitation on the first-instance jurisdiction of the archons is not likely to have replaced the old system at a stroke ; a decree for Phaselis ( ML 31 — Fornara 68 ) in which an archon still has substantive powers could thus date from a little after 462 — but not much .
29 It was delicious to watch ; I could scarcely keep from giggling with delight .
30 ROPLEY residents could soon benefit from a new bus shelter on the A31 at Darvill Road .
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