Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Considering they had also beaten New South Wales convincingly they could justifiably claim to be the top provincial side around .
2 At least this time he could justifiably claim to be doing so in a higher cause than that of his own political survival .
3 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
4 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
5 He could eventually grow to five feet or more .
6 At this stage in the study , there were still many questions unanswered about detailed aspects of the new legislation , and it was also necessary to find out more about College activities and functions , particularly those that could eventually contribute to the exercise of balancing costs with income .
7 Although these actions could eventually lead to improved records management generally , the high cost in terms of staff involvement that would result was felt to outweigh the benefits that would be gained .
8 This work could eventually lead to better machine vision systems and optoelectronic neural integrated circuits that would literally enable parallel computers to process data at the speed of light .
9 This work could eventually lead to better machine vision systems and optoelectronic neural integrated circuits that would literally enable parallel computers to process data at the speed of light .
10 Alcide de Gasperi was particularly interested in the EPC proposal which was initially vague but could eventually lead to a common parliament , a joint foreign policy and a full ‘ common market ’ .
11 The work , if confirmed , could eventually lead to clinical application in the treatment of aplastic anaemia and malignancy .
12 This latter idea was rejected by Iran , which maintained its insistence on negotiations on Resolution 598 in its entirety and under UN mediation , despite Hussein 's Dec. 2 suggestion that the committees could eventually lead to meetings " at leadership level " .
13 IRAQ and the United Nations wind up eight days of intensive arms talks today which envoys expect will produce substantial progress on long-term monitoring of Baghdad 's weapons potential , and could eventually lead to a lifting of the Security Council 's embargo on Iraqi oil sales .
14 Output could eventually rise to 300 a day , making Dagenham the sole European source of the new van .
15 I would like to think you could perhaps mention to Peter if you see him in the next couple of days , I do n't know whether he pops into the office but we , it would be nice if you could if you could mention
16 Churchill had been long enough at the Treasury , and could perhaps go to the India Office .
17 It , it might , I was going to suggest Moderator that if , if the thing were amended to , to delete the word rite er and , and and perhaps have , you know , the whole issue rather than th the rite it could perhaps go to the , the panel on doctrine and be perfectly in order .
18 If you could let me know the publisher of the patterns and the numbers I could perhaps write to the publisher for copies .
19 Not a place you could necessarily get to by travelling anywhere from here , late Twentieth Century London , Earth , but somewhere , sometime .
20 It may not be rat-infested , but any good entrepreneur could swiftly see to that .
21 Trie tried to persuade Sue to ask er them if the they could all change to Word at work .
22 Prisoners offered the choice very rarely preferred death to the colonies but , because they were essentially treated in the same way as indentured servants , they could only go to America if a merchant was willing to take them on the basis of a calculation that he could sell their services at the other end .
23 He liked to remind Owen that , out on a privileged limb though the Mamur Zapt might be , he , Garvin , had access to levels that Owen could only aspire to .
24 It will be noted that section 37(3) refers to ‘ assets located within that jurisdiction ’ , a reference which reflects , but does not directly confirm , the understanding of the position which prevailed in 1981 , that an injunction could only attach to assets within England and Wales .
25 It was successfully argued that the phrase " is or " could only relate to a customer when the soliciting is taking place .
26 No such act of measurement could change what those spins already were ; it could only bring to light a state of affairs which had existed from the moment of separation .
27 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
28 It was so much the sort of remark one could only make to a girl friend , but Rupert took it very nicely and said with only slightly forced heartiness , ‘ Jolly good , and it 's an excuse for me to have a better meal than usual , too .
29 Jesus was describing a fulfilled life which could only grow to be better and better .
30 ‘ With the old system we could only react to what members of the public told us .
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