Example sentences of "could [verb] been make " in BNC.

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1 But I mean it could 've been made a bit bigger than that could n't it , for the seat
2 No clearer way of indicating the path to be trod could have been made .
3 The dots could have been made in other ways , and hardly noticeable anyway .
4 As judicial proceedings are thought to have been held at prominent landmarks , legal decisions could have been held at prominent landmarks , legal decisions could have been made in the vicinity of Loyal centuries ago .
5 Such comments about the DTI 's effectiveness as a corporate policeman could have been made almost at any time over the last 30 years and in a multitude of cases .
6 It could have been made by the indigenous people immediately after the conquest , or alternatively features such as the teeth could have been cut much later on the head .
7 A similar criticism could have been made against many of Jesus 's parables and sermons and some of his listeners were certainly not of the highest social class .
8 They could have been made by the same craftsman .
9 Looking back , one can only wonder why no-one suggested easier ways of working , great economies could have been made if a time and motion expert had been employed .
10 An official announcement could have been made as follows : ‘ Imminent invasion by superior forces is expected in the near future .
11 Those who contemplated a new war thought about it in much the same way as a later generation thought about nuclear war : most of Peter Watkin 's film The War Game could have been made in the 1930s .
12 The basic set-up consists of rather basic apparatus out of a school laboratory — battery , heavy water , metal electrodes and meters for heat or neutrons — which is so widely available that the discovery could have been made anywhere at any time in the preceding half century ; but somehow it has been overlooked by two generations of scientists until suddenly in 1989 not one but two groups in the same location simultaneously announce their breakthroughs .
13 The only criticism is that it could have been made available earlier to complement the often impractical tomes which emerged from other quarters .
14 This was well symbolized by the enthronement of the gospel book at the Council , though more could have been made of it ( de Maio , 1963 , p. 21 ; Bianchi , 1987 , p. 117 ) .
15 I revised a relatively brief article in line with the referees ' comments only to receive a new set of comments which raised points that could have been made at the first submission .
16 It would have come , if it was to come at all , only if a well co-ordinated , centrally directed campaign of strikes , carried out by an immensely disciplined and united workforce , and backed by enough money to support the strikers for as long as necessary , could have been made to prevail against the resolute and more readily co-ordinated opposition of masters who stood to lose everything if the strikers won .
17 They 're the ones that could have been made up from a kit , I always think , each part clearly demarcated ( bill , box-like head , neck ) — a rather angular goose .
18 ‘ If I 'm right , and that spider-thing was all force fields and fancy holograms , it could have been made to jump off the line and get me . ’
19 The implicit monarchical themes may also have their own republican counterparts , which could have been made explicit in further contexts .
20 I would have preferred black pipework to white , for its unobtrusiveness but , more to the point , the hopper itself could have been made of a darker and heavier-gauge material .
21 He could tell nothing from their faces ; they could have been made of stone .
22 I was out of my element , and the air itself could have been made of gold for all the use it was to me .
23 How it could have been made to pay is a mystery .
24 It was a monumental folly , which could have been made for horror films .
25 You said yourself , that hole could have been made at any time .
26 The people that are in the audience laugh when they see animals that could have been made to do things — just for money .
27 However , the manual system lacked a direct link with a title listing , i.e. , the end result of the consultation was a classification number and not specific titles from which further refinement could have been made .
28 I buy a cup of tea so thin it could have been made by Rachel 's landlady , and I stare out through a steamed-up café window across the cold empty promenade .
29 For all we know she could have been made away with . ’
30 The seller was liable even though by a simple process of warming , the bulk could have been made soft .
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