Example sentences of "could [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rangers could spring a surprise by playing England winger Andy Sinton , who resumed light training yesterday — just 10 days after sustaining a shin injury from Bury defender Lee Anderson 's horrific over-the-top tackle .
2 Large corporations in business make pitiful efforts to persuade men to attend lectures on retirement , as if a few hours of instruction could shield a man from the cold wind of eternity .
3 Similarly , in his novel First Men in the Moon ( 1901 ) , HG Wells fantasized about a substance called cavorite , which could shield a spacecraft from the pull of gravity , thus allowing its propulsion units to work very much more efficiently !
4 The PLP could conduct a poll of its members to test which man had the greater support .
5 Marlborough 's campaigns have commanded the admiration of military analysts ; his successes showed that Britain could conduct a war on land , and made it clear that the balance of power would be maintained and Louis XIV would not be able to establish France as the dominant power in western Europe in the way that had seemed probable in the 1680s .
6 Lands officers in the Road Service division objected because they claimed the one foot high flower beds could restrict a driver 's vision .
7 Currently , we 're extending our service into commercial kennels — I reckon we could service a kennel of , say 50 dogs for around £20 a week . ’
8 I wish you could stay a bit longer .
9 Mr Singleton knew other talented people , among them an extremely obliging fellow who could treat a sheet of notepaper to give it the feel and appearance of age , and could also produce ink of a quality used in the past .
10 He would never know the truth , because there were many ways a woman could fool a man .
11 It could not only prove dangerous to expatriates inadvertently breaking local laws but could damage a company 's reputation and its business dealings .
12 ‘ Wonder if you could spare a moment ? ’ he said politely .
13 And now , ’ he went on curtly , ‘ if we 're not to continue discussing your family heirlooms , do you think you could spare a moment to run through some figures with me ? ’
14 Helen , never taking her eyes off Alexandra , craned sideways so that she could wind a finger round and round in a hole in her black stocking .
15 That could explain a lot actually See old London 's Burning last night ?
16 Philip of Valois 's claim , however , had the virtues of clarity and logic , whereas Edward 's claim , as French lawyers pointed out at the time and French historians have not hesitated to remark since , rested on the unsatisfactory assumption that a woman could transmit a right which she could not exercise .
17 For instance , an effectively compulsory change of year end could affect a firm 's billing cycle , which may have been agreed with clients : this would no doubt have cash flow consequences for both firm and client .
18 It is not difficult to imagine how a disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome could affect a patient psychologically .
19 Hence they would be no good for making supper directly , though they could construct a plan for making supper .
20 Ideally one could construct a model of the fossil to test out these various functions in experiments , but the number of examples where the analysis has been pursued this far are limited .
21 However , he could remain a minister pro tem .
22 There had even been , as early as 1942 , " a long and frank discussion " in the Foreign Office as to whether Britain could remain a world power .
23 One " purple passage " could consign a novel to condemnation , and there was no defence of literary merit .
24 MIKE HOOPER could earn a shock recall tomorrow for a match which his manager describes as ‘ potentially the most exciting European tie I 've been involved in . ’
25 They could earn a return on a considerable number of different investments .
26 If you fit the bill you could earn a lot of money .
27 You could earn a lot of money .
28 If you get results it could earn a job analysis what would we do ?
29 For example , an owner of land could grant a licence to cut and remove standing timber .
30 In subsequent proceedings the Court of Appeal held that in such circumstances the court could grant a stay of the Minister 's decision .
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