Example sentences of "could [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 They could explain to the child why he feels as though the world has turned upside down and why his remaining parent seems so upset .
2 By the 1980s a certain amount of international agreement had developed , suggesting that a country 's spending on research should be justified in primarily economic terms — in terms of the technical innovations which research could deliver to the economy .
3 In many ways the part of a horseman 's job calling for most of his skill was that concerned with working the land , and using a standard of craftsmanship set immeasurably high both by the tradition of his craft and by the immediate needs of cultivation ; and a horseman served a long and disciplined apprenticeship before he could attain to the standard demanded .
4 It was work towards which all Ramsey 's training and expectations led as the right contribution which he could make to the life of his Church and to that of Christendom .
5 Surprisingly , relatively few women saw sheepdog work as a useful contribution they could make to the farm .
6 I feel the greatest contribution the National Council could make to the Rottweiler in Australia is the stabilizing of type , but in the present climate , with a flood of imports from various destinations , this will be all the more difficult .
7 They were received in one of the general 's famous caravans , and Stirling outlined the contribution his unit could make to the coming battle .
8 Firmly replacing the lid he marvelled , as he always did , at the difference one girl and an eighteen-month-old baby could make to the volume of household waste .
9 Legislation further restricting the employment of children reduced the contribution they could make to the family economy .
10 The introduction of compulsory elementary education after 1870 may have prompted a re-evaluation of the cost of children because it seriously diminished the contribution the child could make to the family economy .
11 On the other hand , repeated reference was made in the debate " to the valuable contribution that assistance for family planning could make to the health of women " .
12 The US Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said on Oct. 13 , 1989 , that the technology had placed an effective anti-missile system within US reach and described it as " the single most important military bequest this generation could make to the future " .
13 No doubt , Mr. Deputy Speaker , you will wonder how rail transport could relate to the Scottish bus passengers ' consultative committee .
14 Some of the reported difference in rates of metabolism could relate to the severity of the underlying colitis .
15 It 's about what 's happening in our everyday lives , down the street , round the corner , including , and especially including civic art and architecture which , above all , could relate to the real lives of the community .
16 He asked members to support the motion so that the Attorney General as a member of the Government and as leader of this profession could convey to the Government our sense of disgust at the way we had been treated for so long ( sustained applause ) .
17 In the present case , if the Court of Appeal had upheld the decision of Robertson J. on the first part , it would have been unfair to deny the respondents a right of appeal to the Privy Council on the compromise issue or the cancellation issue while accepting the petitioner could appeal to the Privy Council as of right if the petitioner failed on the misconduct issue .
18 An unsuccessful applicant could appeal to the regional committee .
19 This would mean that one could appeal to the weak anthropic principle , provided one could show that string theory does at least allow there to be such regions of the universe-and it seems that indeed string theory does .
20 A union or autonomous republic could appeal to the USSR Committee for Supervision of the Constitution or to the President of the USSR against USSR economic legislation or Council of Ministers resolutions .
21 Furthermore , an applicant who had been refused planning permission could appeal to the ministry .
22 Kolchinsky leaped from his chair and grabbed Philpott before he could fall to the floor .
23 Perhaps because they were suddenly aware that Madrid could fall to the rebels at any moment , or perhaps because they felt more confident with a government which now included representatives of all the Popular Front forces and the anarchists , the Republican troops rallied at that point and managed to slow down the Army of Africa 's advance on the capital .
24 Those who could moved to the window and looked with shocked surprise at fires , fed by municipal deck chairs and the contents of thousands of bin bags , blazing along the Promenade .
25 I was relieved when the daylight came and I could surrender to the exhaustion in my brain .
26 With their rudimentary networks , Eastern Europe could leap-frog to the latest technology — though that is a daydream , given that no country in the region has the expertise or the money to do so .
27 The proportion responding that they thought they could trust the United Sates " a great deal " was 62% ( up from 45% in 1975 ) , a figure not matched by any other country : the closest was Norway , which 37% thought they could trust to the same extent .
28 A single thread that could tower to the silver eye of the moon — if you could convince the spider of its need to do it .
29 Very well , he reasoned , then grog jelly was not too far removed from the mandate he had been given , and no one could object to the addition of a delicious fruit sorbet .
30 ‘ God in heaven , ’ she said , for Mrs Hollidaye had explained how you could speak to the good Lord and sometimes the good Lord spoke back .
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