Example sentences of "could [verb] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The implied value of this being that like the sixties social realist films , such as Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ( 1960 ) and This Sporting Life ( 1963 ) , it was a film that working-class people could relate to on an emotional level because ‘ it so closely resembles aspects of your own life ’ .
2 Erm it 's erm this is people or stories but a based again I 'm sure when y as you read through you 'll probably find quite a lot of the erm little things that they 're giving you here you could relate to in your own life , either for yourself or for other people that you know .
3 This was no ordinary passer-by , someone she could appeal to for help .
4 So the total number of biomorphs that we could jump to in a single step is 19 times itself 9 times over : 19 to the power 9 .
5 When Xerox first embarked on benchmarking it helped that it had a Japanese partner , Fuji Xerox , that it could look to for information about Japanese practices .
6 The talk at Rutland Water was of the potential market , which could run to between 1,000 and 2,000 boats a year , in Britain and abroad , for many years .
7 One of the few places we could go to on the camp at Binbrook without risk of being observed by the hierarchy was the Station cinema .
8 According to this the current demands for traffic calming alone in the council could have could amount to between five and ten million pounds .
9 Czechoslovakia was the last place they could travel to without restrictions .
10 Someone she could talk to at last !
11 Mrs , for her part , did n't want a culture-less idiot for progeny but someone she could talk to as an adult : i.e. , she did n't want someone too like his father .
12 There was never anybody I could talk to about my transsexual feelings .
13 I wish there was someone I could talk to about the problems — someone who 'd keep an eye on him and watch for him getting bad and get the doctor to do something , sooner ; someone who 'd help him with money , a job , get him out of the room for a bit , give us a break too .
14 Avril knew of one person she could turn to for support — Peter Spencer .
15 She had to make a decision soon , and there was nowhere she could turn to for guidance .
16 He was the brother I never had , a confidant I could turn to for advice if I ever needed it . ’
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