Example sentences of "could [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , Exminster could remain as the hospital for elderly mentally ill patients , allowing a planned closure of Digby Hospital after short-stay beds had been established in Torbay and North Devon .
2 Its body is sheer muscle , it could double as the severest whip .
3 It could evolve as the necessary cost of processes beneficial to youth , or could instead be purely maladaptive , and evolve because of the pressure of deleterious mutations on populations .
4 For the purposes of this appeal , it is not necessary to take account of the implications which arise or could arise as a result of the possession order being set aside .
5 In contrast , a few people pointed out the disadvantages that could arise as a result of being disabled when interacting with patients or clients .
6 At its surface , water could exist as a liquid rather than as a gas , and so oceans and seas came into existence .
7 The heterogeneous nature of its object had led to a heterogeneous discipline , and it was only by making literariness the object of its enquiry that literary science could exist as an independent and indeed as a coherent and systematic type of study .
8 ( Much more worrying is that one of the nearby stars — notably Sirius or Procyon — could explode as a supernova , bathing our planet in sufficient hard radiation to extinguish all life .
9 The choice , for example , between " A stick rose upright " and " He raised his bow " is not something which Ohmann could regard as a matter of style .
10 I think what we 'll do , just start by writing up what we could describe as a sort of theoretical er , supply function .
11 well er , I , I , no , that 's , that 's , that 's not what I was saying , I was saying article eighty five then concerned with , what one could describe as a malign or bad prevention , restriction or distortion
12 And most single people and er most young people in particular , fall outside that definition and that means that they really have no access to council housing of any kind and er they also find it very hard to get into the private rented sector , because of er the fact that 's it 's er , the rents are so high , and , and therefore they are at the mercy of erm basically the well , well loosely what one could describe as the bad landlords , the sharks , who will er exploit their situation .
13 Rhythmic changes in this neural activity could be the means by which an individual 's lifestyle could act as a time-cue for his body clock .
14 A rapid method of assaying samples was essential in order to discover which extracts were giving the best yields , and the sooner a stable crude preparation was obtained which could act as a standard , the better .
15 The young academic coolly eyed the embattled farmer and , commenting upon the destruction wrought upon the fen , looked forward to its return to wilderness after the war , so that it could act as a buffer for the nature reserve of Wicken Fen against the farmed land :
16 Working so positively and with such support with different people confirmed my belief that oppressions should n't be ranked against each other ; and that an EOP debate could act as a central focus around which a unity between different oppressions could be achieved while recognizing and accepting our differences .
17 The problem for would-be physiological psychologists is that until relatively recently there have been no other natural phenomena or man-made devices that we understand better than human behaviour that could act as a model or analogy .
18 Possibly this form of GGF could act as a natural antagonist by inhibiting an activity of the receptor , such as ligand binding , dimerization or kinase activation .
19 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
20 At most , third-party states , whether aligned with a superpower or non-aligned , could act as a brake on superpower action , though there is no strong evidence that they did so to much effect in the last 40 years .
21 Although the Slovene economy developed during the nineteenth century as a satellite economy to that of Austria , at the end of the eighteenth century it had a sufficient degree of autonomy to sustain a self-reliant , Slovene-speaking middle class which could act as a spokesman for the national movement .
22 The Brazilian Society of Community and General Doctors is seeking to address this situation and could act as a catalyst , advocate , and pressure group , as well as promoting good quality training , just as the Royal College of General Practitioners has done in this country .
23 As a contemporary writer observed , Moscow had no interest in an ASEAN-sponsored neutralisation that could act as a smokescreen for continued US control and influence or create a vacuum from which the Soviet Union is excluded but China , because of its location and ambitions is not .
24 Washington appeared to believe that Zahir Shah could act as a bridge between the mujahidin and the marxists in Kabul .
25 In this sense it could act as a model for ‘ non-aligned naval support ’ for the USSR .
26 However , Einstein predicted that a galaxy could act as a gravitational lens bending light from a more distant source .
27 This could act as a bar and serving area as well .
28 Early opinion poll results suggested that the banking scandal , reinforcing public cynicism and hostility towards Congress , could act as a catalyst for the election defeat in November 1992 of a number of incumbent US legislators unprecedented in the modern era .
29 It could act as a severe political deterrent .
30 Protesters point out that an open sports ground on the waterfront could act as a refuge , and believe that the real impetus for the wetland 's destruction comes from an alliance of local politicians and construction companies .
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