Example sentences of "could [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 Oh great competition it was , in my day about who could build the best stack er you know both in the hay coles and the and the harvest time .
2 The young man 's brother wrote to Lord Panmure to see if David could make the best of the situation in which he found himself by obtaining a midshipman 's place .
3 As a member of one of the two departments into which the direction politique of the foreign ministry was then divided , he found that he and his colleagues spent much of their time playing draughts and that there was considerable rivalry between the two as to which could make the better " five o'clock tea " .
4 The practice of eating dead enemies probably arose from the idea that you could absorb the better qualities of the person who had died through eating their flesh .
5 The three used to compete with each other to see who could steal the best clothes or who would take the biggest risk .
6 At the major theatres — the King 's , the Little Theatre in the Haymarket , Covent Garden and Drury Lane — audiences could enjoy the best of contemporary Italian opera , together with works by British composers like Arne , Hook and Dibdin .
7 Once or twice Carolan himself had hinted at the moral justification of force to secure the people 's just demands , but he was careful to remain within the law , and when challenged in Parliament would observe loftily that he spoke philosophically , and that he could trust the good sense of the English people to interpret his views correctly .
8 But when he realised that we both wanted to do all we could to encourage the best art education for the pupils in the West Riding schools the barriers were down and we became friends .
9 They should become purchasing bodies , buying services from whatever hospital or unit could give the best deal .
10 Where there is a likelihood that the purchaser could achieve the best return by putting the company into liquidation , and would in practice be able to carry this out , then the assets basis valuation using break-up values should be applied .
11 We worked alone so that we could choose the good weather on my off duty days , but the communal gangs were no fair weather workers and pressed on under any conditions .
12 I went to do what I thought I could do the best .
13 And he added : ‘ I genuinely think I could do the better job because I 'm full of confidence .
14 And he added : ‘ I genuinely think I could do the better job because I 'm full of confidence .
15 Registrants should be aware that non–compliance with the provisions of this Code may be relevant when considering professional disciplinary matters although adherence to the Code will be regarded as demonstrating good practice which could constitute the best protection against such action .
16 If only she could see the good work they are doing there among young people .
17 Dealers , after working in the business for a month , could pinpoint the good ones .
18 Several years ' experience of manpower planning work in large organisations ( Rolls-Royce and the NHS ) led to the conviction that microcomputers could provide the best solution to many of the problems encountered .
19 They actually reached Klagenfurt a few hours after us , so we could secure the best buildings and put sentries in them .
20 A ship equipped with two or three of these panemones could have the best of both worlds .
21 ‘ And if we do manage to land all the players we are thinking off we could have the best Queen 's team since the early 80s .
22 ‘ You 've got plenty of money , why should you want me when you could pay the best in Swansea ? ’
23 Whether or not there is a bust this year , in the long term China 's prospects are excellent , which could prove the best economic news the world has had for at least a century , and the best news China 's people have ever had .
24 One member of the 4-Skins , protesting his innocence of any B.M/N.F involvement to a journalist the next day , told a story which under less dire circumstances could rival the best of Buster Keaton in terms of pathos , slapstick and deadpan gallows humour .
25 He could play the good guy so convincingly .
26 well we 've been trying to think how we could get the best out of Colin for the past four bloody years .
27 Crocker , some six years the chief inspector 's junior , was the only man Burden knew who could get the better of Wexford and match his acid tongue .
28 Being part of a movement , collectively analysing , planning , working and reviewing the plan gives confidence that the outcome could represent the best alternative as viewed by the majority .
29 Chapman , incensed that anyone could sully the good name of Huddersfield , arranged for Islip 's transfer to Birmingham , at an undisclosed fee said to be ‘ staggering ’ .
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