Example sentences of "could [verb] [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as he found out I knew about cameras and all that , he realised I could make myself useful round the studio , so I sort of moved in .
2 If I held my breath long enough , I could make myself faint .
3 Maybe if I could make myself invisible , then I could walk down a street without feeling on trial for the way I look .
4 I could make myself attractive enough to him ? ’
5 I 'm sure you could make yourself useful — if you tried hard enough . ’
6 Well you could buy yourself some golf stuff for a hundred could n't you ?
7 Even they could consider themselves lucky compared with the shackled Italians torpedoed on the Arandora Star on their way to Canada , or other internees beaten and robbed on their way to Australia by British officers and NCOs on the Dunera who gave a pretty good imitation of Hitler 's Stormtroopers .
8 She thought dully that perhaps she could consider herself fortunate that , until that evening , she had never been hurt deliberately by any man .
9 He could count himself lucky to have got where he had got in an all-American company .
10 The musical show is on at Guildford Civil Hall on Thursday , April 23rd at 2 p.m. and you could win yourself two free seats by colouring in the Mr. Men picture , filling in the form and sending it to The Junior Editor Club , The Herald , 114–115 West Street , Farnham , GU9 7HL , to arrive by Friday of next week .
11 He did n't indulge in the crude autopsy humour which some of his colleagues found necessary to bolster their social self-esteem ; dinner guests could know themselves safe from distasteful anecdotes about carving knives or missing kidneys .
12 If only he could give himself more time .
13 Hope could picture himself comforting Mrs Crump , shoring up the memory of her husband , praising him , assessing him , recalling ‘ mots ’ , reporting favourable comments , and then in would come the daughter , dressed entirely in black , and he would say , would be forced to say no matter what the consequences were , that the child was like the man .
14 A girl could n't close her eyes and ears to it , but she could keep herself pure .
15 And before he could stop himself some part of his brain that had nothing to do took control of his mouth and added , ‘ Heroes , in fact . ’
16 They fear they could lay themselves open to prosecution for murder or manslaughter — or in some cases a civil action for damages — if they disconnect a feeding tube without court permission .
17 He could cut himself free on the coral .
18 I only wanted to tell you first so you could save yourself this sort of scene in front of them .
19 ‘ The government could save itself billions by hiring a few wide-eared gents to ride these trains and find out what new rip-offs are being planned .
20 And those who could dragged themselves clear to re-form and charge with him .
21 If he could help himself this would be mental vandalism ; but he ca n't ; Stavrogin 's are yawns that refuse to be stifled ; automatism and involuntarism are finally one , and the tragic villain-hero who at once apprehends the ‘ sensible idea ’ and yawns at it betrays a high but helpless intelligence recalling Raskolnikov as well as Svidrigailov .
22 It was only after a fine [ see p. 36910 ] and the threat to suspend the airline 's operating licence , that the FAA could declare itself satisfied .
23 ‘ Without adequate breakdown insurance , you could find yourself several hundred pounds worse off , ’ said the spokesman .
24 To avert all this , you could find yourselves involved in prolonged negotiation , and even litigation , which would diminish your ability to run the business and swallow resources .
25 So too is Martin Ling ; new signing , but an old face , Paul Bodin could find himself straight back in action .
26 With Spain pushing hard for one of the first six seeded places , England could find themselves unseeded and playing in Sicily too , as the side ranked No.2 in a Group F headed by Belgium .
27 HUNDREDS of Ulster students could find themselves homeless and on the street when university starts back next month .
28 In Kendra Sone 's article ‘ Vetting equality ’ ( 16 February ) we are warned that psychometric testing , when used for selecting candidates , should be used with care and that candidates could find themselves open to discrimination if such tests become part of tougher selection processes .
29 The experts who provided the rules and facts used by the system , the knowledge engineers who formalized the knowledge , the programmers and analysts responsible for designing the inferencing and interface programs could find themselves liable if the advice generated by use of the system is incorrect .
30 Every day you come up against something that you could worry yourself sick about but you 've got to accept it .
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