Example sentences of "could [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 I could reassure you with talk of progress and produce another pile of evidence to back me up : more family planning , more education , more employment , constitutional changes .
2 ‘ I wish I could court you with beautiful words , ’ the farmer went on , ‘ but I can only say I love you madly and want you for my wife .
3 He told me that he would donate £5,000 to the fund if I would undertake to invite his little son , then at school in Oxford , to tea on odd occasions , so that I could acquaint him with some of the matters relating to Judaism .
4 Well , before the invention of sound recording — and indeed for some time after — the only thing people could compare it with was stenography .
5 He could hurt her with so little , she reflected , realising that she was finding it more and more difficult to keep hatred alive as a counterbalance to love .
6 The sound of the car caught Theodora 's attention before she could plot it with her eye .
7 The injustice of it all , the knowledge that Spiderglass possessed her and there was nowhere she could hide from them with their tracer in her head , the certainty that Karel could blackmail her with her string of crimes pushing her ever deeper into the mire — it all added up to just one thing .
8 The whole thing seemed faithfully in the past , where we could regard it with intense interest , and surround it with historical debate , but where it could do us , and our generation , no harm .
9 She was elderly and although she went to church on a Sunday , I did n't feel that I could trouble her with my religious affairs .
10 She trusted him to look after the Post 's interests before he sold the story to any other outlets , but she did not know whether she could trust him with the story .
11 I could predict them with reasonable assurance in each case , except Addy .
12 There was no one she could discuss it with , for Hoomey was too scared , and no one else knew .
13 But this was n't his case ; he could discuss it with the detachment of a man who has a professional interest but no responsibility .
14 He thought about Burun 's intent towards Sidacai , and wished he could discuss it with someone .
15 Politely he asked him to leave a quote so he could discuss it with his wife .
16 I could colonise you with gifts , sow a garden , reap a harvest in you , label you with nicknames as my own variety .
17 Her girlfriends , particularly her former flatmates , would have rallied round but she did not feel that she could inflict them with such a burden of responsibility .
18 I wish that I could warm you with my kisses .
19 Its original purpose was to enable us to turn our work so that we could rehang it with the plain side towards us , knit a few rows of reversed stocking stitch and then turn it back again to continue in stocking stitch or pattern .
20 Right , what I 'd like you to do , is oh , Andrew perhaps I could show it with your 's .
21 Before the letter could contaminate him with reason he pushed it into the fire and watched it burn .
22 But it could land them with a court bill of up to £200 if they 're stopped by the police .
23 THIEVES stole drugs from a doctor 's surgery and took them to a Middlesbrough man who could identify them with a handbook , a court heard .
24 Even the heyday of tomb-robbing was over ; his scavenging could n't be called by such a piratical name and the local labourers could not be inspired to sift the soil scrupulously when they could break it with a pickaxe so much faster , and the mounted overseers might take a crack at them with a rifle butt if they dawdled .
25 Word reached Peter Wheeler , the Leicester coach , of a young lad at Wakefield , a full-back , a slick-running full-back at that , who not only could kerplonk the ball like a metronome between the posts but could do it with either foot .
26 I don ‘ t think that I could do it with anyone whose bones stuck out .
27 You could do it with your coins again if you like .
28 You could do it with two rulers could n't you .
29 Anyway then as I say they used to have these this back street effort and if you do it yourself you could do it with erm the enema syringe .
30 Could do it with the enema syringe in the bath .
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