Example sentences of "could [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 In 1906 the College became a school of the University of London , with recognised teachers and could prepare candidates for the university 's BSc ( Veterinary Science ) degree as well as carrying out its basic function of training candidates for the diploma of membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons .
2 ‘ Rohan obviously felt he could make plans for his own future , at last .
3 The Bat Conservation Trust was set up to provide such facts on bats ( not ill-informed opinions as in your editorial ) so that people could make judgments for themselves .
4 If she does , I could make cakes for it , could n't I , and jam — ’
5 These factors , said some respondents , could make claims for compensation more difficult to pursue , even though hepatitis B is an acknowledged occupational disease for some healthcare workers .
6 YORK City manager John Ward could make changes for tomorrow 's home game against high-flying Crewe Alexandra .
7 Aberconwy Borough Council said the damage figure passed the point at which they could make requests for financial help to the Government .
8 whereas he 's got ta he says just one round here so they could make decisions for you .
9 The successful receptionist models could be used to devise special training to enable CAB receptionists to ascertain the depth of a problem ; they could serve the dual function of assessing which clients have just come in for a form or a local address and they could make appointments for others in person or by telephone and smooth the queue .
10 Six seats would be allocated to Taylor , who was offered the post of Speaker and could make nominations for the cabinet .
11 That would mean she could buy eggs for supper and pay something on the grocery bill and have enough left over for the vet .
12 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
13 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
14 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
15 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
16 With reference to the application to erect 2 retail units at the Bus Depot , Whitburn Road , Bathgate , we would be grateful if the development could include racks for cycle parking .
17 And when he learned their numbers , he could seek reinforcements for his five hundred from over the Border , from the castle garrison , even from Dunbar .
18 You could win tickets for the biggest weekend in the air show calender .
19 The fact that the group 's thorough investigation failed to reveal the existence of this mini ‘ statement of purpose ’ either in print or [ more likely ] in preparation could speak volumes for their assertion , repeated at regular intervals , that British Gas do not do enough internally to publicise environmental efforts .
20 In the midst of all this , Stirling calmly called a halt so that he could give orders for further targets .
21 They could carry goods for local co-operatives and state authorities .
22 This number has considerable value on the commercial market and could generate funds for all taking part .
23 This important reform showed , once again , that the success of the social market could bring rewards for all Germans .
24 I let myself think I might adopt him — oh , not altogether , but just so that he could come and stay with me sometimes and I could do things for him .
25 Like the M40 , the CPRE warns , those roads could become magnets for new villages , hotels and superstores … and hasten the day when the Oxfordshire countryside really is submerged under concrete and tyres .
26 Gene transduction with these agents is essentially restricted to dividing cells , but although this could limit applications for other genetic disorders , it should not restrict gene therapy for cancer , where the target population of malignant cells is expanding .
27 It could pinpoint areas for improvement .
28 A choice of colour or new hairdo , lipstick that only a fashion model would wear , could work wonders for a woman .
29 ‘ But if we could swap jobs for one day my first task would be to address the Free World wearing the Everton strip , then run a Blues flag up the mast at the White House . ’
30 By redirecting services to fully populated areas , the city could provide services for all at a cost it could afford .
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