Example sentences of "could [verb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Although in theory the organism could reproduce at any time during its growth phase , we can expect that eventually an optimum time for reproduction would emerge .
2 As it was not yet open , she sat on the step beside a broken box of rotting plums and watched the market traders going about their business : they all seemed to be in their usual mood of precarious good humour which could splinter at any moment into invective and menacing gesture .
3 But substitute Nick Barmby 's late shot against the bar excepted , few could think of any .
4 The dubious part of the claim lies in Moore 's belief that beautiful objects with their beauty and the qualities which make them beautiful , could exist without any consciousness of them .
5 It would mean accepting that an assault could exist without any of the elements which comprise that term ; no one would , for example , have to be placed in fear for their bodily safety .
6 The Sun claims that the Stonebridge council estate in north London ‘ is Britain 's tinderbox where Los Angeles-style riots could explode at any time ’ .
7 One of Brazil 's biggest industrial areas has become an environmental time-bomb which could explode at any time .
8 All recordings are genuine , manufactured and supplied by the world 's leading record companies — and are identical to those you could buy from any leading store .
9 If one also supposed that only one or two electrons could orbit at any one of these distances , this would solve the problem of the collapse of the atom , because the electrons could not spiral in any farther than to fill up the orbits with the least distances and energies .
10 That would give the electricity supply industry the free run of the distribution network , while consumers could signal in any way they liked on their own mains wiring without bothering anyone .
11 But there is also a practical and political problem , since it is difficult to see how such a theory could speak in any way to the practical or material concerns of women .
12 The agents of the Phoenix King could appear at any time and drag away the most reputable people .
13 For , as Prior of Scone and its guardian , he bore round his neck the Brecbennoch , the little silver reliquary casket of St Columba which was all the Celtic church could bring to any battle while its Abbots of Iona and Armagh and Kells disputed with one another in the turmoil of Irish battle , Irish famine , Irish plague , demanding the grace of St Columba and first claim to the aid of his relics .
14 The rows of the table could refer to any set of objects ( such as the cars produced by Rover ) and the columns to the properties of these objects ( for example the parts required in the manufacture of the cars ) .
15 The standard molar enthalpy of oxidation of hydrogen could refer to any of the three balanced chemical equations shown above and thus have any one of the three widely differing values shown above .
16 And that 's a whole lot better than you could expect from any petrol-engined BMW in this bracket .
17 If the house is rented or occupied by relatives other than your spouse or carer the rent they pay you could contribute towards any share of the costs you are required to pay .
18 These stock yards covered 500 acres and could accommodate at any one time 75,000 cattle , I25,000 sheep , 300,000 hogs , and 6,000 horses .
19 The diesel check , described by one test station owner as ‘ the worst possible thing you could do to any engine , ’ was suspended yesterday pending the results of an inquiry into the damage claims .
20 It could be a very important story , and , knowing the damage our grape-vine could do with any story , the only way to stop that was to keep this one to myself .
21 I have n't been to a Leeds match for absolutely ages and could do with any info on getting hold of tickets , which parts of the ground need tickets and the best places to stand/sit … and park the car etc .
22 You could do without any of it .
23 I do n't know what Tod makes of them , except that his glands tell me he could do without any special attention , or any attention at all .
24 And , and , and all , he 'd got all countries ' television er going , you know , so you could look at any country at the moment , the moment it was producing .
25 He could look into any of the bedrooms if he wanted to .
26 All you could see of any of them was a pair of very pink ears sticking out behind old copies of the Woman 's Own .
27 However it may feel at times to them as individuals , and whatever compulsions they sense from relatives and friends to ‘ get through ’ their course , the fact is that they could withdraw without any legal penalty at least .
28 A squat chunky man whose face was stitched by tiny red veins , his head rested on his shoulders like a box on a shelf , and the rasp of his voice could drill through any argument .
29 To have produced one important poem is rather more than the vast majority of poets could claim in any age .
30 And , if it is at all possible , the number of changes which could occur at any one time is better curtailed and staggered .
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