Example sentences of "them with [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Let's stop trying to get women to support us by crawling to them — it 's obvious they prefer voting for devils or weeds than for decent men ( let alone decent women ) , and bribing them with a Women 's Ministry did n't work .
2 He would remove the radios from aircraft B and substitute them with the radios stolen from aircraft A. He would then be picked up by the aircraft he came in , leaving with the radios removed from aircraft B.
3 This will be achieved by analysing the criteria used to select expert system applications and comparing them with the criteria used to evaluate the feasibility of traditional data processing projects .
4 The Doctor was standing on his head and juggling the balls by knocking them with the soles of his feet whilst gargling ‘ The Star-Spangled Banner ’ .
5 Just reading here where it says that erm B and Q they 're having a slanging match with Texas cutting all their prices paints tools they 're trying to outdo them with the prices .
6 Having recognised their limitations , can the Japanese overcome them with the skills to be learned from the FSX and the YS-X ?
7 All we 've got to do is to take his fingerprints and compare them with the beauties on this envelope .
8 I 've seen them with the tiles .
9 Many owls have such a perfect sense of hearing that they can locate and catch small creatures in the pitch dark , landing upon them with the claws correctly aligned to grasp them along the spine .
10 They will give us exactly the colour we want , especially if we dovetail them with the bassoons and thus make use of the deep low notes of the second horn .
11 When I asked Grand Met how it could justify the high rent increases , I was told that tenants could easily afford them because tenants would now receive all the proceeds from the amusement machines instead of sharing them with the brewers , although they still have to pay a high licence fee and rent .
12 I recalled how sane and healthy they were , and I contrasted them with the fiends with whom I had to deal in 1816 !
13 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
14 Then the reader is advised to read the accounting policies and compare them with the policies used in the previous year and with those competitors use .
15 Some perspective on just how limited the reforms laid down in the Declaration of Rights were is provided by comparing them with the proposals for reform which had been made by opponents of the government since Charles II 's reign .
16 does that compare them with the customers ?
17 ‘ By discrediting them with the Irish-Americans and the German Embassy in Washington . ’
18 This helps the cancers form and maintain the blood vessels that nourish them , and which provide them with the routes through which they spread .
19 The experiment in which people inflicted electric shocks on subjects who were actually actors is known to all psychology students , and even journalology has an important study that depended on deception : editors had papers that they had already published resubmitted to them with the titles and addresses changed and then rejected most of them — providing evidence , the researchers argued , that editors and referees were biased against authors from provincial universities .
20 Otherwise he can just give them with the bloody tellies or trying to buy them with the tellies and the dealers have a lovely time
21 not to let them get out of the pov that 's what I 'm saying , it suits them because they can buy up property much cheaper than if that two hundred pounds a week that 's being spent on bed and breakfast , that , they were spent on helping them with the problems as they are at the moment .
22 In this way , word senses can be disambiguated simply by comparing them with the definitions of neighbouring words .
23 Taking wings of it back on either side of her face , she anchored them with the combs and stood in front of the looking glass to assess the result .
24 Finally it was Gnaeus Manlius Vulso 's victory over the Galatians in 189 B.C. which justified the intervention of the Romans in Asia Minor and furnished them with the clients they needed in order to control the ambitions of Pergamum .
25 I mean I think there 's the same problem with children in a sense , I mean , you you talking about confronting them with the realities of the world and I suppose I perhaps if we if we did expose ourselves to the erm to the true meaning of what 's going on in the world , we could n't handle it psychologically without stopping it , without doing something about it .
26 but she leaves them with the neighbours or a neighbour , but I mean it 's all different to bringing them up yourself , in n it ?
27 I have myself spent many hours at the police station compiling an accurate photo-fit of the stand and , through my many contacts in the local underworld , supplied them with the names of many undesirables known to deal in second-hand wood .
28 They compared them with the names on the above catalogue and with those on two other farm catalogues , one dated 1873 , the other 1919 .
29 This situation , in which other countries were relying on the United States to provide them with the dollars needed to boost their reserves , seemed to leave the USA in a highly privileged position , for the only way that other countries could accumulate reserves was if the USA provided them , by spending abroad more than it received .
30 In disregard of this fact , Winans engaged in a scheme with certain Wall Street financiers to provide them with the contents of the column prior to its publication .
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