Example sentences of "them for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She could hardly thank them for the tears in her eyes .
2 From 1823 onwards he built over twenty in the region , a number of them for the commissioners for building new churches established under the Million Pound Act , and in 1829 he was appointed surveyor to York Minster .
3 All that energy for comparatively few sales , but she will get them for the paperback as she is very much the rising star of Black American fiction .
4 I can never be grateful enough to them for the sacrifice they made to keep me at school , when even ten shillings a week would have relieved the pressure on the food bill .
5 The promise of high rewards is necessary to provide an incentive to encourage people to undergo this training and to compensate them for the sacrifice involved .
6 Many writs are already framed and well recognized to meet the cases that usually arise ; you can have them for the asking , if you pay the fee .
7 The Levant Company claimed the right to these dues , but both Wyche and Crowe claimed them for the Crown , and Charles I had provided further occasion for dispute between all three parties by formally alienating them to Crowe in 1636 , though the latter , in return for compensating payments by the company , waived his right until his arrival in Constantinople in October 1638 .
8 He said that even though they had been given advance warning of Sam 's health problems during a scan three months before he was born , nothing prepared them for the shock .
9 There is an unconditional appropriation when the goods are identified and the third person acknowledges that he now holds them for the buyer , Wardars ( Import & exports ) v. W. Norwood ( 1968 C.A. ) .
10 The seller has no difficulty in producing them for the buyer in any quantity provided he has sufficient notice to schedule production , and purchase needed materials and components .
11 Oh yes , but he wants them for the whole of the year you see , which is impossible .
12 A health authority should seek out a group of " mature " female nurses and a group of male nurses who are in training and prepare them for the purpose of dispelling those commonly held misconceptions .
13 When I consider the striking natural beauties of such a river as that at Matlock , and the effect of the seven-storey buildings that have been raised there , and on other beautiful streams , for cotton manufactories , I am inclined to think that nothing can equal them for the purpose of disbeautifying an enchanting piece of scenery ; and that economy had produced , what the greatest ingenuity , if a prize were given for ugliness , could not surpass .
14 The Gnomes had rolled the designs for the new Crown Jewels into cylinders and packed them carefully into long , hollow tubes , which they had brought with them for the purpose .
15 As in Between , the binary definitions on which structuralist theory is founded receive parodic treatment which voids them of their original function and uses them for the purpose of telling the tale(s) of the novel .
16 Thus the case was presented on the footing that the documents concerned had come into being and were held by the solicitors for their client as the result of a suspected intent by a third party to use them for the purpose of furthering his criminal activity .
17 Listing particulars are required to contain all such information as investors and their professional advisers would reasonably require and reasonably expect to find in them for the purpose of making an informed assessment of the assets , liabilities , financial position , profits , losses and prospects of the issuing company and the rights attaching to its securities .
18 I said if I 've got to do a dozen sausage rolls for one I 'd better do them for the others .
19 And then ( as he stood and stared through the window at the magazine ) Boy imagined sleeping with these men , actually sleeping , sharing a bed with them for the night .
20 Steve Astington says he was a rock climber and then moved over to marathons … this is his thirteenth … you have to put a lot of training in … he does them for the enjoyment it takes him away from life and all the stresses
21 They would meet in the morning at Mabel 's house , and have a cup of tea and a biscuit before setting out to fortify them for the journey .
22 They 're on board an air ambulance which has just landed in Ancona , where they 'll meet the evacuees and prepare them for the journey to Britain .
23 Congress is not empowered to make laws for the states or to substitute them for the laws of individual states and so on .
24 Join them for the holiday of a life-time .
25 They derive narcissistic satisfaction from their cultural ideals when they compare themselves with others ; ‘ … the right to despise the people outside it ( their culture ) compensates them for the wrongs they suffer within their own unit ’ .
26 Bénéteau will build a maxi for them for the race .
27 The more frequently graded tests are used , the better will be the understanding of those who are to rely on them for the selection of candidates .
28 Er I think they genuinely believe their case , it 's not a case that I believe , but I I 've always genuinely respected them for the case they take .
29 Congratulate them for the things that they are good at .
30 No-one could have known that she was going to bring them for the weekend . ’
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