Example sentences of "them at the end " in BNC.

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1 Thus in northern Nigeria there has been a long-established practice of Hausa farmers purchasing immature beef cattle at the end of the harvesting season , and feeding them on maize stalks and other crop residues during the dry season , before marketing them at the end of six months .
2 ‘ Although I love traditional British desserts such as jam sponge , I can never manage to eat them at the end of a three-course meal , ’ Clayton says .
3 They were part of Japan until Russia occupied them at the end of the second world war , and the Japanese feel they are justified in wanting them back .
4 He was still writing verses but , according to Hooton 's notes , he abandoned them at the end of this year under the influence of Pater .
5 He will learn of them at the end , when it is all over , and even then only indirectly .
6 Philip and his friends looked on in silence and apprehension , until they saw Alexander turn back towards them at the end of the gallop , and return joyful and triumphant with his success .
7 They were getting there the cheap way and combining adventure with the bonus of having their cars with them at the end .
8 But if you have others which I do not deal with satisfactorily then please raise them at the end . ’
9 Several men , all of them at the end closest above them , and peering .
10 ‘ United have emerged as favourites now and that suits me fine , as long as we are up there challenging them at the end of the season .
11 Ever since being given a large stalk of them at the end of last summer , I have been wanting to make a design from them .
12 Elspeth is prepared ( her schedule permitting ) to drop guests at the start and collect them at the end of walks .
13 Most people vary enormously in the reserves that they have available , so that the things that floor them at the end of term may be the same small irritations that they sailed through at the beginning .
14 Unfortunately we did n't have room to include the complete rules for war machines and chariots as they appear in the Warhammer rulebook , but you will find a summary for them at the end of the War Machines section .
15 As these appear as themes threaded through the discussion it may be useful to identify them here , although I shall return to them at the end of the chapter .
16 I shall come back to them at the end of this chapter , having reviewed the empirical evidence .
17 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
18 I would rather see people that are going to start work , even if it is only for a year , at the same time where they are working that year that somebody take an interest in what 's going to happen to them at the end of that year .
19 The wedding , planned for November … ’ ) she had learned that she was the goddaughter of Lady Bartlett ( that mother of sons … ) and had joined them at the end of July .
20 Every other week after that you paid them at the end every week ,
21 And the stronger they were , the worse it was for them at the end of the picture .
22 Given all the information available to them at the end of period t - 1 , firms expect that the position of the aggregate demand curve in period t will be AD in figure 5.1 .
23 Their neighbours Lurgan will also be taking the road to Dublin , with CYM awaiting them at the end of the journey .
24 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
25 Draft specifications for general SVQs in this area have been sent out for consultation , and a seminar was held to discuss them at the end of October .
26 He fell in alongside two of them at the end of the street .
27 You are going to be getting them at the end of the case in any event and why should you be kept out of them ?
28 We decided to use our green ballot box that we made and painted for the Maastricht campaign for people to post their cards into so that we can count them at the end and post them all together .
29 But especially when they put them at the end of a sentence where they should be putting a full stop .
30 and then they can expect them at the end of like x amount of time to be able to take over a department , then when it falls apart they 're gon na be the one to take it .
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