Example sentences of "when they [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , London Division One outfit Tabard will have the crowd on their feet when they host First Division giants Northampton .
2 While they had shared championship success when they had first met , after a split of four years it was their second era together that brought the ultimate honour for them both — the 1987 Open Championship title .
3 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
4 She was no longer the girl she had been when they had first come to live at Cherry Tree Farm .
5 When they had first come to live at Thorsbury , she had felt a little piqued by Stephen 's neglect of her , while realising that his obsession with work was not really of his own choosing .
6 They had played quite a bit at Hurlingham when they had first been married .
7 Brightly lit as on a stage , she saw the bodies still , more garish , more brightly lit than when they had first met her horrified eyes .
8 When they had first met she thought he was funny , he guessed , though kind too .
9 Something had sparked into life when they had first set eyes on each other , though , and even Julius 's self-control had melted away as the spark had ignited a flame , and then a fire .
10 No wonder Piers had been so contemptuous of her when they had first met .
11 Perhaps Piers had been no more than a struggling architect when they had first met , and she had not been content to lead a life of poverty .
12 She knew immediately that Roman 's mood had changed ; he was looking as grim as when they had first met , but he said nothing as they got into the car .
13 Even when they had first been married , Ross has always been quite determined that —
14 Nor , when their parents had already helped them more than enough with furniture and carpets and the like when they had first moved in , did she think she could take any more from them .
15 Vitor was looking at her in the way he had looked at her so many months ago — when they had first met , when she had felt that tug .
16 All he had ‘ known ’ when they had first met had been lust , pure and simple .
17 She liked Sergei a lot , had fancied him like mad when they 'd first met , at the house of mutual acquaintances in Moscow .
18 We 'd heard the dogs ' barking spreading through the trees when they 'd first been unleashed .
19 There had been a moon when they 'd first arrived , but the clouds had come while they were chopping wood , and the rain while they 'd cooked dinner on the two little primus stoves .
20 Cardiff turned back to Rohmer , and remembered again that feeling he was sure they 'd shared when they 'd first encountered each other .
21 When they 'd first arrived at the Base , she had quite liked the old Administrator , but since Paula 's death he 'd changed .
22 The Doctor had mentioned ionization when they 'd first entered the Operations Room ; ionization caused by electrical activity .
23 When they 'd first re-entered the apartment the place had been crawling with a crowd of men who were mending the air-conditioning , installing a computer and modem to a fresh telephone line , and plugging in the dreaded fax machine .
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