Example sentences of "them [conj] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 So many that , er yeah , so many of them that soon as one 's sold somebody else sells another one .
2 as I said earlier erm I suggested to them that perhaps as they went out so much perhaps one the company would do it , they sounded quite enthusiastic
3 But police said children had ignored them and even as rescue workers left the scene they had to warn two more boys who were about to go out on to the ice .
4 It is experienced by the narrator as a place where he , the cultivated , Portuguese-speaking , well-read foreigner , must tread with care ; an old man , who is paid to sing typical local songs for the tourists , recognizes the narrator as something different from them but also as different from himself :
5 I feel confident because I know I came out to help : directly , by leading them as well as an officer can ; indirectly , by watching their sufferings so that I may plead for them as well as I can .
6 This is proving useful to them as well as to mothers with push-chairs , who are perhaps more frequent users .
7 The intention is that students of elaborate structures in language should be able to construct them as well as receive and consume them , if only to achieve a better understanding of how poems are made .
8 Tourism industry leaders have called on the government to compensate them as well as the airlines .
9 In fact , in interviews , a quick reference to the home town frequently serves them as well as a rhetorical trick : by declaring their provinciality , they can remind you just how surprised they are to be attracting so much attention all of a sudden .
10 They 've got all this on top of them as well as , say , they may be in a dangerous area .
11 There is , however , a possible external cause to them as well as , or instead of , the internal cause .
12 Manor houses usually had other buildings associated with them as well as gardens .
13 Their ability to contain or manage the conflict when this has threatened to engulf them as well as the regional contestants , for example in 1967 and 1973 , contrasts sharply with their inability to transact a peace process which transcends their own rivalry in order to resolve the conflict .
14 In 1990 they took the opportunity to rebuild them as well as allocating extra money to services such as education in the wake of legislative changes .
15 Without these pupils , the new schools could not of course demonstrate whether or not they could provide for them as well as the grammar schools had .
16 Architect Chris Butt and engineer Tony Ward were approached and a meeting set up in 1988 included them as well as city council and county council officers .
17 ‘ It creates good publicity for them as well as being good for the community . ’
18 But there are flaws in the fabric now and Blackburn exploited them as well as anyone .
19 However , no pursuit was in evidence , although they maintained patrols behind them as well as on the flanks to ensure early warning .
20 This means that gender-related attitudes affect them as well as those to do with ageing .
21 Although students had a small subsidy , the increases represented a further erosion of living standards , for them as well as other urban residents.a Price rises of 30–50 per cent were not uncommon at this time .
22 This means that the fish have material washed down to them as well as having a greater area of the varzeas ( Amazonian flood plains ) in which to forage , introducing both food and herbs not otherwise available to aquatic life , in a form that can be used by them .
23 It must be admitted that to a certain extent I am presenting a caricature of the Shavante , if for no other reason than I do not know them as well as the Piaroa .
24 My winning has done something for them as well as me .
25 The Bank is also talking to the international clearing-houses , Euroclear and Cedel , about settling gilt bargains through them as well as through its own central gilts office .
26 Walton argues that views of ‘ best interests ’ are rather always contingent , depending on the particular position and assumptions of the person expressing them as well as on objective circumstances .
27 Froissart says that the English found ‘ plate and gold and silver belts and precious jewels in chests crammed full of them as well as excellent cloaks ’ , and the Black Prince made off with Ring John 's own jewels .
28 Even the trained and qualified social worker will often admit — or insist — that he or she is out of depth in dealing with the sexual elements ' of a case , while the unqualified social worker is left to struggle with them as well as possible .
29 " These are rabbits we 're going to meet You know them as well as you know us .
30 I think they go for more sorts of jobs , it 's difficult to list them , but a lot are going into computing and electronics today , but we have people — we had one student who 's gone into accountancy , Royal Navy , weapons research , gas board , chemical side as opposed to physical side , video discs , hospital physics , where I would have thought the chemical aspects would be of use to them as well as the physics .
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