Example sentences of "when [noun prp] [vb -s] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But Chapman doubts Forest can ever achieve the same level of success when Clough calls it a day , and he likens their position to the massive void left behind when Don Revie quit Leeds 18 years ago .
2 When Charley dies it will be like the end of an object or the closing of a book or the last date of an epoch .
3 iv.86–160 ) , but when Clarence awakes they quite properly address him in verse .
4 When Howell picks him up at dawn on a deserted Texan highway he immediately makes his intentions plain by scaring the boy witless .
5 Thus the term irony is used in something approaching its usual acceptance when Brooks associates it with Yeats 's appeal to the Greek sages in ‘ Sailing to That Yeats should speak of the ‘ artifice of eternity ’ evidently undermines in a sense the appearance of passion and sincerity with which he invokes the Greek sages , and thus can be said to bring about a kind of ironic reconciliation between his aspiration of a life free from Nature , and his rational awareness of his human limitations ( Brooks 1949 : 173 ) .
6 Do you realise that , when Lisa has it right
7 And he 's at it again when Downes hits him with whatever 's to hand ; kills him ; wonders where he 's going to dump the corpse ; ca n't dress him — far too difficult dressing a corpse — ’
8 Except from a brief outburst from Sonny ( when Pat urges him to face reality , he protests , ‘ Reality is not life ! ’ ) , you would never know this play was the work of a poet rather than a TV comedy writer .
9 Svidrigailov 's answer , when Raskolnikov asks him Shy do n't you see a doctor ? ’ is that he does n't need to be told he 's ill .
10 Nothing signifies for him , yet he seizes on details with a toneless precision , almost pedantry : when Raskolnikov calls him a gambler he says he is actually a card-sharper .
11 These incredibly difficult organisational changes look easy when IBM does them .
12 And while James still eats chops with his meal , Roz says , ‘ When Katherine asks him if she can have some of his dinner , he says , ‘ Mummy would n't like it ’ . ’
13 By the time we get back to the tent Stig is limping badly and when Odd-Knut looks he finds he is bleeding profusely .
14 As a result I undergo a bout of conscience , taking the short rod only when Odd-Knut assures me that we will eat whatever we catch , and that we will probably not catch anything .
15 He is upset at the lack of activity and howls appallingly , but when Odd-Knut tries him on the trace he is clearly crippled and in pain .
16 Similarly , when Gould says he is prepared to be persuaded about electoral reform , he needs to say what it would take to persuade him .
17 When Ruth dies I do n't know how I 'll emerge .
18 When Escalus cross-examines him , this is done in prose , as befits his true status ( 260ff. ) , and when Angelo invites Lucio to state what he can witness against the Friar-Duke , the medium drops to prose for all four speakers ( 327–33 ) , to be catapulted back to verse as Lucio pulls off the hood and reveals the Duke 's identity .
19 As for you , Mother , when Martin marries it 'll be Uncle 's case all over again ; you 'll either have to step down and be housekeeper or go . ’
20 When Poirot tells her that Hastings has remarked that the house looked haunted she assures them that if there is a ghost it must be a friendly one , because she has had three escapes from death in as many days so she must bear a charmed life .
21 Drink this in the dispensary , then she wo n't see you when Robert takes her away . ’
22 Galadriel is ‘ illumined ’ by ‘ a great light ’ when Frodo offers her the Ring , and seems ‘ tall beyond measurement ’ .
23 When Frodo passes it to Gandalf so that its identity can be confirmed , ‘ It felt suddenly very heavy , as if either it or Frodo himself was in some way reluctant for Gandalf to touch it ’ ( I , 58 , my italics ) .
24 When Tom speaks we all listen . ’
25 When Nissan says it wants 100% quality , it means it does n't want a single failure .
26 When Nissan says it wants 100% quality , it means it does n't want a single failure .
27 When Serafin presses him , Summerchild will try to suggest a few names .
28 I hate it when Adam does it so I hate it when you do it too , sorry , ca n't help it .
29 There are nearly as many mentions of feet in the Bible as there are of bread and yet feet remain unsung ( except when Handel gives them their due with ‘ How beautiful are the feet … ’ ) .
30 When Paris claims he loves Helen above thought , he is providing piercing insight into the twisted motives behind the adultery that has infected Troy .
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