Example sentences of "when [art] [noun sg] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Vauxhall could learn a few tricks here , the cacophony from the 16-valver becoming tiresome when the engine 's full rev range is explored .
2 Transferring assets into such a trust without a tax charge could be a problem , but the route usually chosen to minimise this was relatively straightforward ; transfer into a UK resident trust when the asset 's value was low , followed by later export to a tax haven .
3 The shielding protects you — though you still need to do some fancy flying to stay stable within the radioactive thermals — then as the cloud dissipates you cut out and down , across the mountains — they look tiny ! — swoop across the closed valley , loose the missile when the base 's defence radar picks you up and use the last of your fuel to escape over the far side while the missile takes out the base .
4 ‘ Independently of climbing over rocks and fallen stumps of trees , the sportsman has to creep and crawl beneath and among the branches with the utmost caution , taking care only to advance when the bird 's attention is occupied in singing , or in scratching up the leaves in search of food ; to watch its actions it is necessary to remain perfectly motionless , not venturing to move even in the slightest degree , or it vanishes from sight as if by magic …
5 Dot 's eyes were growing used to the dark just like they had to in the shelter when the warden 's lamp went out .
6 John Charlton , another constable from neighbouring East Hendred , was enjoying his company when the landlord 's pot-boy approached them , informing them that his guv'nor was a bit uneasy about his situation .
7 When the landlord 's agents and the militia arrived , the tenants offered the whole of next year 's rent in advance if only Mrs. Pedelty would leave them at peace ; it had taken half an hour to get word to her of this offer and to bring back her refusal Then they asked for compensation for the land they had cleared and she sent back to say if they persisted in the claim she would sue for dilapidation and waste .
8 All fees should be agreed when the Buyer 's Input Form is sent to a client for completion .
9 When the buyer 's conveyancer receives a local authority search result and a loan offer , and a satisfactory survey report , he or she will proceed to approve the contract , and subject to any related transaction , move towards exchange of contracts .
10 The moment in the game when the martyr 's soul began its slow slip away to heaven .
11 Carrickfergus itself , lacking walls and protected only by a ruined castle , rapidly surrendered when the garrison 's ammunition ran out and the Belfast authorities were sufficiently intimidated to send the French provisions when they demanded them .
12 This can happen when the couple 's blood is too similar and the mother 's immune system fails to recognise a baby and so fails to protect it .
13 It is formed when the sun 's ultraviolet radiation breaks up the two atoms of oxygen molecules into single atoms .
14 The tanning process begins when the sun 's Ulta-Violet ( or UV ) radiation penetrates the skin and stimulates production of melanin ( tanning pigment ) in the lower levels of the skin .
15 And so , when the sun 's rage had died away , they finished celebrating their wedding feast with great joy , and the sun himself came down to give away his little cousin to her bridegroom .
16 When the sun 's rays hit the Earth a lot of the heat is reflected back into space but some of it is kept within the Earth 's atmosphere .
17 Why was Black shot when the army 's procedure explicitly states that soldiers should always try to handle situations ‘ other than by opening fire ’ ?
18 You 've laughed at the MD 's jokes ( some were even funny ) and you kept schtum when the Chairman 's wife deliberately forgot your name .
19 The baronial leaders were incensed by these continued tergiversations : when the king 's ordinance was read at St Paul 's in London , there was uproar , and the terms of Edward 's proclamation issued on 25 June showed that he realized the extent and intensity of hostility to the Forest .
20 When the King 's Declarations were finally published , Richard Baxter was pleasantly surprised to find that some important concessions had been made to his position .
21 Most years this gave rise to no special problem , but eventually there was an occasion when the king 's enjoyment of the Easter Feast was spoilt by the absence of his queen , who was still fasting because for her it was Palm Sunday .
22 When the King 's Commissioners subsequently descended on Cornwall he , with many other land-owners of local renown , was seized and sentenced to be hung , drawn , quartered and have his head boiled with salt and cummin-seed in the hangman 's kettle .
23 There was hardly a battle , though , for when the king 's artillery fired , the Lancastrians fled , apparently throwing aside their coats to aid their retreat , thereby giving the battle its name .
24 The manner in which Gaveston and Despenser monopolized access to the king was deeply resented : when the king 's personal decision counted for so much , access to the king was the way to obtain grants and favours for a magnate and for his dependants .
25 When the king 's agents bought the wool it fetched much less than the expected price and the scheme collapsed , leaving resentment amongst the producers , the lesser merchants who had not participated in the scheme , and those who had been paid in Dordrecht Bonds .
26 But when victory gave way to stalemate and defeat , when the king 's early vigour gave way to senility , and when he was succeeded by a king with a very different personality , the limitations of his achievement became all too apparent .
27 It has been said that he provided no leadership and lacked control of the episcopate , and it is clear that he waited on events in 1326–7 , only casting his lot with Isabella and Mortimer when the king 's cause was obviously lost .
28 In 1343 Archbishop Zouche of York at first resisted the king 's nominee for the deanery of York because Cardinal Talleyrand had already been papally provided ; when the king 's judges found against him , Zouche acquiesced in the royal candidate , rejected the cardinal and endured papal excommunication for the last four years of his life .
29 A Phocaean aristocrat happened to be the guest of the king of the Ligurian tribe of the Segobrigi when the king 's daughter was made to choose a husband at a banquet .
30 When the King 's Justices came south they would arrive with troops and issue writs raising levies from the surrounding countryside , empanel juries , collect evidence , and not move away until the matter was settled .
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