Example sentences of "said that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Commenting on the killing on Nov. 7 of a two-year-old child by an ETA car-bomb intended for his policeman father , Extabe described the ETA leadership as " four imbeciles " and said that such operations were turning Basque opinion as well as general opinion against ETA .
2 Michael Meacher , the shadow Secretary of State for Employment , said that such definitions would have to wait until the party formed a government and the details were worked out between ministers and officials .
3 Lord Templeman said that such matters were not for judges ‘ who are not qualified to listen ’ but for the Minister , for Members of Parliament , and ultimately for the electorate .
4 Speaking at a conference on space science and technology in Rome last week , Adeniyi said that such schemes have little point if the engineers are unable to use their knowledge when they return home .
5 My hon. Friend the Member for Oxford , East said that such schemes should be available not only for those who have already committed offences but for young people who might be tempted to do so , perhaps for kicks .
6 It was not until 1972 that the idea of star and planet systems forming from other stellar material came into vogue , when Wilbur Brown of Wyoming University said that such systems were formed from the ejected shells of supernovae .
7 Jim Martin , EIS general secretary , said that such changes continuing in education for purely political reasons would not be tolerated by the Scottish public .
8 On lifting financial sanctions , including allowing access to IMF and World Bank assistance , the communiqué said that such sanctions should remain until either a new democratic constitution had been agreed or until there was agreement to lift them " at South Africa 's all-party conference or by an interim government " .
9 In the course of a statement to a congressional committee on Jan. 23 Greenspan said that such comments were not putting pressure on the Federal Reserve , but were merely statements that lower interest rates were preferable to higher ones .
10 Roh said that such reductions were " inevitable " , and that South Korea must assume a progressively larger share of the cost of its national defence .
11 The official Iranian news agency said that such statements not only effectively supported the Mojahedin 's " terroristic " activities within Iran , but also their role in suppressing the Kurdish uprising in Iraq in early 1991 .
12 Mr Meacher said that such details would have to be worked out between ministers and their officials , but he is likely to be pressed to be more specific .
13 Herr Alpeter said that such dogs were sold to foreign countries — a sobering thought .
14 Forestry Commission and National Park chiefs said that many beekeepers were travelling 200 miles to leave hives on the moors around Scarborough because of the fine quality of honey and heather produces .
15 A spokesman for PPL said that many hoteliers and restaurateurs believe that they only need a licence from the PRS to be fully covered .
16 Miss McIntosh said that many businesses in Britain had suffered because of cheap drink from EC countries .
17 Ken said that many performers ought to pay managements for the privilege of working on the stage .
18 Victorin Hameni Bieleu , a leading member of the opposition , said that many parties believed that the RDPC would take complete control of the Assembly as a result and predicted a boycott of the elections " if things continue like this " .
19 Detailing the " ruthless " abuse of human rights against opponents of the regime , the report said that many executions were officially described as having been for drug-trafficking offences , adding that prisoners had no recourse to legal counsel or right to appeal .
20 The Minister rightly said that good things have happened — such as the extremely good directorship of all four collections , most notably of the national gallery under Mr. Neil MacGregor , and of the Tate gallery under Mr. Nicholas Serota .
21 I mean I , I tend to think it 's a , it 's a play that 's got some very very funny bits in it , I do n't want to give away what the story 's about , but whilst there 's been the frivolity on the slopes , the whole thing starts to take on a , a , I tell you what it was , I remember reading an article by Dr Ruth , who said that good skiers are good in bed because the image of , of the skier is very potent , you know , and very strong .
22 The presiding judge said that higher organs of the SED , beyond the city itself , clearly had been involved in the decision to falsify election returns .
23 Mr Creighton , a community leader in Glencairn , north Belfast , said that loyalist paramilitaries had no problem recruiting in the atrocious conditions in some Protestant areas .
24 The report said that disturbed children were more than twice as likely to become smokers as other youngsters .
25 He feels that he should have heeded those who said that political relations between state and industry in France , and between France and the Third World , precluded the autonomous international centre he had envisaged .
26 He said that certain officials and a councillor were determined to get rid of Mrs Kemp because of the demands she was making , and had consistently made during her whole period in office , for the improvement of child care in Orkney .
27 However , EC officials said that major disagreements remained .
28 Mr McInally said that forensic tests had revealed liquid petrol on the accused 's shirt and jeans .
29 The trade unions and professional associations surveyed in the UK said that vast inconsistencies in the prevention of occupational blood-borne hazards exist between employers of healthcare and public service workers in different regional authorities .
30 The company said that complex negotiations were proceeding quickly but it would be some time before there was progress to report .
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