Example sentences of "said the next [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( Gerald Kaufman , later appointed to assist the hard-pressed Merlyn Rees [ Home Secretary ] , said the next plan would be called ‘ Loony ’ . )
2 Intel Corp president Andy Grove told the annual meeting that the company 's chip business remains strong and that it is ready to fight new competitors in the market place , Reuter reports : ‘ Our response to all these competitors has been to concentrate on getting better and faster products into the hands of our customers , ’ Grove said , adding that Intel was meeting demand for the 80486 but dealer and customer inventories were tight ; capital spending this year is now likely to hit $1,800m , up from the previously planned $1,600m ; executive vice-president Craig Barrett said the next generation P6 microprocessor will probably be unveiled in late 1995 or early 1996 ; Intel holders also approved a two for one share split to take effect in June .
3 ‘ A lot of blue in this picture of yours , ’ Mackintosh said the next day .
4 Otley said the next day when he surfaced .
5 The first thing he said the next day was ( no pretending ) has she been a bitch to you ?
6 He said the next day , that were some people there that evening .
7 The court heard evidence from a Nicholas Moody who said the next day Mrs Handy told him the machine had stopped working .
8 He said the next government , whatever its colour , must make attempts to improve the legal system so that youngsters were not allowed out on bail to commit more offences .
9 ‘ It 's time we had a talk , ’ Otley said the next morning .
10 " Yes , I 've found some , " he said the next morning , approached again by the boy , as he 'd known he would be .
11 Mr Gozem said the next morning she escaped and told police .
12 ‘ Just iced water , thanks , ’ he said the next time she screwed up enough nerve to go back to his table .
13 in front of them , so I waited until I got home and took me slipper off and whacked his bum , I said the next time I said that 's what 's gon na happen , I said you can do what you like when we go out I said but just remember what you 'll get when we come back
14 Mr Willis said the next stage was to look at design development and engineering performance .
15 Dr Douglas Easton , who leads the CRC team , said the next task is to find the precise gene and identify its function .
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