Example sentences of "their [noun pl] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Forty years later the Italians , in another unprovoked attack , used poison gas to ensure victory and shot many of their prisoners out of hand .
2 and we 'll sort it out ourselves and what they do , if a customer says oh there 's a phone that 's broke , or it 's not working or something like that , they 'll say oh okay we 'll get in touch with the maintenance for you , you see , cos he 's making nowt out of it , if you say we dropped the phone and broke it , well we 'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one , once they say wants some re-programming doing , oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get , the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it you know so we , a service contract it 's priced because , low because you know you 're gon na make a bit on moves and changes
3 It 's not so much that they undersell themselves in the UK , but they have to really pull their fingers out in the US .
4 ‘ People who take their bikes out at weekends are terrified at the number of potholes , bumps and increasing traffic levels on roads . ’
5 People with bright ideas must not only carry their opinions out of politics and into the research institutions , but must regularly move back the opposite way when the call comes .
6 All too often , however , we see him angry , hurt , suspicious of friends as much as enemies , rarely grateful to those who stuck their necks out on his behalf , working obsessively at powerfully emotional works while seemingly ignoring the emotions generated by the domestic chaos around him .
7 There had been the slightest tremor in Alice 's voice ; she had been going to say , " We all spent the evening " but remembered in time that " all " might not be prepared to stick their necks out for Jim , if " all " could be reached and warned in time .
8 ‘ For most of the past three years , ’ he writes , ‘ banks ' customers have been unable to service their debts out of income growth , with the result that many have been and will be forced to shrink their non-interest expenditures or sell assets in order to pay bank interest .
9 The locals often plant their vegetables out among the olive groves and vineyards and find all flourish happily together in the rich volcanic soil .
10 On that occasion he had been ten years old As children between the wars , Yanto and his friends spent most of their Summers out in the estuary between tides .
11 No. 3 was directly opposite the palace , only a minute away , but he was stopped twice by tourists whose thick German accents he could n't begin to understand , and then by having to settle a violent argument between two drivers who had managed to crash while manoeuvring their cars out of their parking spaces .
12 The extent of the disaster was kept from the remaining drivers , particularly Levagh 's team-mates Moss and Fangio but at two o'clock in the morning , orders were received by the Mercedes team-manager Alfred Neubauer , direct from the German factory , to pull all their cars out of the race .
13 They built their homes out of the materials of the river bank itself .
14 It 's not the business of social services staff , from directors downwards , to pull their chestnuts out of the fire by disguising the facts .
15 Mr Major and Mr Lamont did not eat their words out of a cavalier regard for the truth and a penchant for duplicity at election times .
16 It gives them plenty of cover and also somewhere to rest with their heads out of the water but their bodies submerged .
17 The earless lizards of the southwestern United States have a large , blood-filled sinus in their heads which , when they pop their heads out of a cave , becomes heated by the Sun and can be distributed throughout the body .
18 People put their heads out of windows and saw the tall white-faced man and the little girl , with their arms around each other .
19 But first we stand in line to use the bathroom : people popping their heads out of doorways to see how big the queue is , me letting Rachel in by herself .
20 I was down there serenading my heart out and they all started to pop their heads out of the window .
21 Passengers poked their heads out of the doors like rabbits testing the wind and , deciding it was safe , hopped down on to the station platform where a sign read : " Cook , Queen of the Nullarbor .
22 There was a solid line of cars all the way back to it , drivers peering ahead or craning their heads out of the window .
23 A more effective cry is ‘ Fire ’ because everyone sticks their heads out in case it is their house or car that is about to be burnt down .
24 Now go on , go home and make yourself even more beautiful than you already are — knock their eyes out at the party . ’
25 He wo n't be ready till next season , but I 'm really going to knock their eyes out with this fellow . ’
26 ‘ Can we ask all preservationists to keep their eyes out for anyone trying to pass on these parts and a reward will be offered to anyone supplying information .
27 Wardens in tin helmets poked their noses out of sandbagged alarm posts to watch Charles and his CO striding by .
28 Most adult male bears spend their lives out on the pack ice , living mainly on seals .
29 Ca n't , ca n't please their youngsters out of thirty pound shirts
30 When we got him out and he felt refreshed and better about it , he also felt worse because he realized the harm he had done to other youngster and he set about , therefore , trying to help other parents rescue their youngsters out of it .
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