Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As the King s head was struck from his body there was a great groan from the crowd , who were dispersed by the cavalry ; some came back to dip their handkerchiefs in the King 's blood .
2 They seemed in no hurry to escort their prisoners into the valley .
3 And the sirens escorted their prisoners from the Department to the Abu Ghraib gaol , and those who had not survived interrogation from the Abu Ghraib gaol to the Medical City Mortuary on the other side of the Al Sarafiyah Bridge .
4 All three are the voices of the Tory grandees mourning the demise of their values under the shopkeeper 's daughter .
5 The consequence was that , when the value of the dollar against the dinar or other currencies changed during the year , the reported values of trade in dollars did not correspond to their values at the time of entry or exit from Yugoslavia .
6 This states that other non-monetary effects on aggregate demand ( such as private investment expenditure ) are determined by their values in the previous period plus a random or surprise term .
7 In Germany interest groups like to present their views as the product of exhaustive research rather than of a distinctive philosophy .
8 He is especially critical of their views about the historical primacy of group marriage and the gens ( see below ) , because they were all three in different ways followers of Morgan 's rival , McLennan .
9 Although there have been some famous poets who occupied this chair ( for example Matthew Arnold and W. H. Auden ) , it has much more commonly been occupied by dons ; and the point at issue when choosing candidates for the Chair of Poetry has very seldom been their views about the subject on which they are supposed to lecture , still less their competence to do so .
10 At the Sixth Plenum of the Twelfth Party Central Committee in September 1986 , the leading members of the Politbureau , such as Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang , put forward their views about the effects of continuing to ‘ open up ’ intellectual debate and introduce political reforms .
11 Fran Bennett 's article on ‘ The State , Welfare and Women 's Dependence ’ ( Bennett , 1983 ) gives an excellent account of the different strands within the contemporary women 's movement and their views about the appropriate source of an income for women .
12 Until now the judiciary have expressed their views about the tariff period , tacitly if not expressly , in confidence .
13 However , when the chiefs went into tribal lands to ask their views about the agreement , they received an emphatic direction , in every case except one , that the chiefs should reject the agreement and have nothing to do with it .
14 Brown and Levin ( 1974 ) undertook an interview survey of workers to test their views about the impact of different levels of tax on their willingness to undertake overtime .
15 Analysts are divided in their views about the effectiveness of the OPEC deal — in spite of indications given by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that they will cut supplies to customers from next month in accordance with the new quotas .
16 He also stressed his belief that ‘ people should have the right to express their views through the ballot box , and he would continue to look for a way to give people the chance to exercise their democratic rights , ’ the department 's spokesman said .
17 Table 5.5 summarises their views at the time of their first interview .
18 The content of the assessment should integrate the user and carer perspectives at all stages of the process , and not simply add on their views at the end .
19 Rosemary Sandford of Darlington Association on Disability , said they were saddened and disappointed they were not given the opportunity to express their views at the meeting .
20 It is at least worth a footnote to any textbook on handling disputes that few employers have to contend with their management arm solemnly sitting down and condemning the negotiating strategy and then publicly relating their views to the press .
21 Nowadays a large number of the population listened to foreign radio stations and read foreign newspapers : once the Government had the power to conceal the truth within Tanzania , would it also be necessary to try to stop people sending their views to the foreign media ?
22 Adults , however , have greater difficulty in accommodating their views to the miracles ' of modern technology .
23 A Steamship Owners ' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association had been formed as early as 1874 which later became part of a North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association , and as early as 1878 shipowners of the north-east were complaining of the " tyrannical " attempts of a " dictatorial body of unionists " ' to impose demands on the industry , establishing in 1885 a Central Association of Shipowners of Sunderland , Glasgow and Newcastle to put their views to the Royal Commission of 1886 on Chamberlain 's proposed Shipping Bill .
24 The objective would be to ensure that policy alternatives are adequately considered , that reasons are proffered for agency decisions , and that differing interests can present their views to the agency and have those views adequately discussed .
25 FOR the first time in many years , anglers in the north west of the province are to have a strong and united voice to convey their views to the authorities on a wide range of matters .
26 Rawls often writes of individuals ' conceptions of the good as if they are their views of the good life for themselves .
27 Although the authors in this book agree that the situation is iniquitous , they differ in their views of the solution .
28 There is a review of the 1991-92 season by the captains of each of the Five Nations ' Championship sides and ample space is given to their views of the game .
29 As most of us watched the Rodney King verdict and its horrifying aftermath on TV , journalist James Ryan and photographer Andrew Macpherson drove separately into South Central LA to record their views of the riots ; meanwhile , KRS-One , Heavy D , NWA and other rappers give their comments
30 In general , however , classical and positivist criminology were at almost opposite poles in their views of the significance of the criminal law and its operation , for classicism it was virtually everything , for the positivists it was virtually irrelevant .
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