Example sentences of "their [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But granted the credit for historical reliability which accrues to the evangelists through their reserve about the Spirit , that still does not help us with the problem of why there is practically nothing in the Gospels about men and women being filled with the Holy Spirit now that he was clearly in business again .
2 As the King s head was struck from his body there was a great groan from the crowd , who were dispersed by the cavalry ; some came back to dip their handkerchiefs in the King 's blood .
3 We 've also included in there , on item twelve , a net bill item , but does need to be recognized as an addition to your total spending , and that is , you 've been involved for many years with the health authority in arranging for the discharge of people from long-stay hospitals , and their absorption into the community , and each of these are a provider of many services , and daycare services to those particular individuals .
4 With their absorption of the vicomté of Béarn through marriage and inheritance in 1290 , the counts of Foix became the single most powerful house in the south-west .
5 When Lafargue , a Proudhonist , argued later that nationalities were ‘ antiquated superstitions ’ , Marx teased him gently by replying that ‘ by his denial of nationalities , he quite unconsciously understood their absorption in a model French nation ’ .
6 Not only does alcohol displace essential nutrients from the diet , but it blocks their absorption by the body .
7 The fact that radicals both inside and outside parliament were often divided among themselves and had no uniform political views or remedies was emphasized by their ineffectiveness in the Economic Advisory Committee in the 1930s .
8 Cities spend an enormous amount of money on building stadiums and bidding competitively for sports franchises ; they predicate their enthusiasm on the assumption ( for which there is no empirical basis ) that a professional sports team enhances a local economy .
9 Applying Shirk 's concept of ‘ adaptive behaviour ’ ( Shirk 1982 : 5 ) , their enthusiasm for a number of major student ‘ tides ’ such as going abroad to study , doing business and having love affairs , can be viewed as strategies for escaping from the depressing reality of everyday life in contemporary China .
10 Their enthusiasm for the research increased after the policemen and women in Easton had reassured themselves about the field-worker 's religion , sensitivity towards which was initially intensified by the common-sense view among some ordinary constables that Queen 's University is a Republican stronghold .
11 The Scots were , in fact , an amazing success story ; and that success came from their pride , and their enthusiasm for the world outside .
12 They are also likely to include members who have a high profile in the community and their enthusiasm for the school , or lack of it , may be very influential on others .
13 Shabba Ranks and his enigmatic manager ‘ The Specialist ’ seem to be in a minority with their enthusiasm for the record .
14 Many of us will remember their enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and the joy that they had in the fact that God should use them in such a way .
15 Some thought that far too many opulent and now half-empty movie palaces had been built for the elusive fashionable trade whilst others detected a more general dulling of the palate as the masses lost their enthusiasm for the old stories and seemed all too ready for something new .
16 Their enthusiasm for the gangster film was in part a hope that it would be a transitional form and not an atrophied and unchanging product .
17 They seemed in no hurry to escort their prisoners into the valley .
18 And the sirens escorted their prisoners from the Department to the Abu Ghraib gaol , and those who had not survived interrogation from the Abu Ghraib gaol to the Medical City Mortuary on the other side of the Al Sarafiyah Bridge .
19 All three are the voices of the Tory grandees mourning the demise of their values under the shopkeeper 's daughter .
20 Calculation of the Fourier coefficients a n and b n from equations ( 11.4 ) — ( 11.6 ) will now be illustrated by finding their values for a half-wave rectified sinewave of pulsatance ο and amplitude a .
21 It is not far-fetched to say , as Charles Moskos of Northwestern University argues , that campaigners for gays in the ranks wanted to use the armed forces as a social-engineering experiment ; and that they wanted to impose their values on a supposedly irredentist segment of American society .
22 The consequence was that , when the value of the dollar against the dinar or other currencies changed during the year , the reported values of trade in dollars did not correspond to their values at the time of entry or exit from Yugoslavia .
23 This states that other non-monetary effects on aggregate demand ( such as private investment expenditure ) are determined by their values in the previous period plus a random or surprise term .
24 admit as much in a note to their text to the effect that : ‘ There was not , however , a corresponding reduction in the space devoted to public affairs due to the Daily Mirror 's increased size . ’
25 Some senior commanders were reportedly keen to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north , using recently arrived Chinese weaponry .
26 A snap drop goal by out-half Richard Chambers opened their account but Bangor restored their advantage with a good try by Don Whittle after McKinty had made initial ground and Strutt made the score 20 points to three with a conversion .
27 More frequently they try to manipulate the media to their advantage by the selective release of carefully timed and adjusted information and by threatening , punishing , and intimidating media staff .
28 Largeness , whether as an un-eliminated pituitary defect or as a self-coded dna attempt at prolonging the dinosaurian bloodline , may not have worked to their advantage in the end .
29 In Germany interest groups like to present their views as the product of exhaustive research rather than of a distinctive philosophy .
30 He is especially critical of their views about the historical primacy of group marriage and the gens ( see below ) , because they were all three in different ways followers of Morgan 's rival , McLennan .
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