Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 One that has plagued me for some while .
2 When that news hits him , the narrator seems to crumble , even though a premonitory dream the night before has readied him for the shock .
3 I am glad that she has joined us for the debate .
4 But he has forsaken them for the moment , at least in his current Emmerich show , ‘ Some Very Recent Paintings ’ ( opening 14 January ) .
5 Even so , striking on or soon after January 15th would help Mr Bush underline , for the benefit of critics at home and abroad , the clear legal authority the UN has given him for military action .
6 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
7 ‘ I mean — Mary has forgiven him for what happened .
8 A GRATEFUL reader who would like to thank her daughter for the surprise of a lifetime has nominated her for this week 's bouquet .
9 It still thinks that by interfering and pouring on more layers of bureaucracy and government it will achieve something that has eluded it for so long and will continue to elude it if it takes that path .
10 Pieda , a powerful economic group , has attacked him for his crippling levy on whisky and says the excise tax policy on the famous tipple is ‘ against the national interest and discriminates against one of the UK 's top five exporters ’ .
11 Just as we need the rain forests , the fish need the plants , and only healthy , assimilating plants can do the job nature has designed them for .
12 ‘ First , my miserable Yankee friend , the good Brigadeführer Farber has recommended you for an immediate Iron Cross First Class which , from what he says , you deserve . ’
13 Steffi Graf has won it for six of the last seven years , picking up a cheque for around £45,000 for her latest victory in October .
14 But he will have to wait to get into the action — an ankle injury has sidelined him for two weeks .
15 He has seen her for all of 30 seconds .
16 I have to say that nothing in my career so far has prepared me for this kind of work .
17 But coming from a theatrical background has prepared her for the highs and lows of an actor 's life .
18 But nothing has prepared us for this divine outburst .
19 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
20 Before beginning to investigate a complaint , the Commissioner will tell the complainant and the member that he has accepted it for investigation .
21 I am pleased to have the opportunity to raise this subject which has interested me for a long time .
22 If you leave your gear on stage , you may find that someone else has moved it for you , and they wo n't be as careful as you .
23 We had everything beaten expect Jodami , who has done us for foot . ’
24 A good abstract painting is an experiment I do n't have to conduct because someone has done it for me .
25 A good abstract painting is an experiment I do n't have to conduct because someone has done it for me .
26 John Major has made one for citizens , British Rail has done it for their passengers , the banks have formulated one for their customers and now the JS distribution division has done it for the branches .
27 John Major has made one for citizens , British Rail has done it for their passengers , the banks have formulated one for their customers and now the JS distribution division has done it for the branches .
28 Sainsburys is er the very one that has done it for years !
29 He and Peter have always been good friends and David is the type of lad that once he 's made friends with someone , he has made it for life , ’ says Brian Gedge .
30 But Marwood refuses to take issue with Bassett and , instead , has thanked him for furthering his management ambitions .
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