Example sentences of "has [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pete Youngman from Pest Control Chester has during the last three years generated over £100,000 worth of business purely through submitting D5 leads .
2 Consequently , Wirral , along with a handful of other British urban communities , has during the 1980s been hit by heroin about as heavily as a community can .
3 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
4 The University has as a major objective for the future the acquisition of the whole of the Radcliffe Infirmary site , if the Headington Strategy goes ahead , for use for university purposes .
5 The officials said the plan , approved by the President last week , has as a central element the use of the US military to intercept drug transactions abroad .
6 The principle of Contrast , then , has as a general consequence the elimination of synonyms .
7 Now , upmost in my mind is what John Durnin has as a pre-match meal .
8 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
9 There has for a great many years been a link of friendship between the people of lslay , particularly of the Rinns , and Ballycastle in the north of Ireland .
10 Second , there is the knock-on effect to the advertising market in the UK and Australia , which is looking weaker than it has for a long time .
11 The last has for a long time been the argument most favoured by political theorists .
12 For example , it has for a long time been generally accepted by students of organisation that any organisation is likely to need a number of rules and procedures to guide the behaviour of organisational members .
13 The geographical concentration of the relatively high per capita income services — especially in finance — in London and the South East has for a long time been a feature of the British economy [ Brown , 1972 ] .
14 Special education has for a long time been fertile ground for curricula based on linear models of learning , guided and assessed through hierarchies of objectives .
15 Safety , which has for a long time been assumed to be at odds with commercial considerations , is now a business interest .
16 Given that many of these theories require extremely detailed specifications of grammar rules and lexical entries this has for a long time formed an obstacle to the production of general systems .
17 High acidity of the duodenal contents has for a long time been found to be associated with gastric metaplasia , both in humans and in laboratory animals .
18 Organ jazz has for a long time been club-trendy but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and ‘ Big ’ John Patton with whom she shares a clear affinity in her choice of rhythms and blues inflections .
19 Their small church membership of around 10,000 hides the wider appeal Paisleyite politics has for the small businessmen and farmers of protestant Ulster .
20 Instead of resting on its fundraising laurels , it has for the second year turned to race organising as a means of generating essential revenue .
21 Coatings company International Lory has for the second time completed a year without a single lost day accident .
22 The new hang has for the first time brought together the figures de fantaisie by Fragonard , the Louvre 's ninety-three Corots , thirty paintings by Chardin and thirteen by Watteau , as well as a rotating selection of the preparatory drawings by Le Brun for his decorative scheme for the Louvre .
23 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
24 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
25 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
26 The UK government has for the first time ruled out the award of oil and gas exploration licences in certain areas on environmental grounds .
27 Green was all for restoring Lord 's Island which seemed to have had a strange fascination for him , as it has for the present writer who has also , found for herself , the vestiges of the pier , the house , the shooting butts , etc .
28 To ask the Minister for the Arts what plans he has for the European arts festival ; and if he will make a statement .
29 To ask the Minister for the Arts , what plans he has for the European arts festival ; —
30 he has for the aforesaid common good and defence of the realm ordained that as clerks ought not to defend themselves by force of arms , the third part of the present year 's temporalities of prelates and clerks and all persons of holy church , religious and other is to be seized .
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