Example sentences of "has [been] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ken has been into western styling since he was a child .
2 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
3 Thus , a government report in 1970 concluded that , for the period 1954–68 , ‘ the underlying upward trend in the percentage of the manual labour force on shifts in manufacturing has been about 1 per cent per annum . ’
4 Most of this book has been about mainstream mental health care of adult people .
5 But the Conservative record has been about more than increasing spending .
6 Surely that is what perestroika has been about these past five years ?
7 In the post-war period , expenditure on the military has been between 5 and 10 per cent of GDP .
8 A measure of your success in a coaching session is when the subordinate feels the discussion has been between two equals and that together you have arrived at the best course of action .
9 The most marked shift has been between different sectors : the percentage of output ( Gross Domestic product , or GDP ) accounted for by manufacturing has decreased while the proportion attributable to service industries has increased .
10 In broad terms , the division has been between those who see an accumulation of reforms and a gradual erosion of bourgeois dominance as leading to a situation in which a relatively easy and peaceful transition to a socialist society will be achieved ; and those who regard reforms largely as mere palliatives , value the struggle for reforms mainly for its effect in developing working-class consciousness and organization , and envisage the achievement of socialism as a more abrupt event ensuing from a more or less violent final confrontation between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
11 The average audience has been between 200,000 and 250,000 .
12 Inter-rater reliability was assessed across codes , individuals and data-points ; mean weighted occurrence/ non-occurrence reliability has been between 84 per cent and 95 per cent on each occasion .
13 It is currently considered that a House consisting of some 650 members is appropriate ; the figure has been between 600 and 650 for many decades although there is nothing magic about this particular size .
14 The tendency then , has been towards greater reliance upon market forces and competitive freedom ; a shift of emphasis in the way governments aim to trade-off financial sector policy goals and in the regulatory means by which these goals are to be secured .
15 As well as this , the trend over the past few years has been towards greater accountability from business in the form of information about matters other than profit and loss .
16 It said : ’ The balance of evidence over the last month has been towards continued recession .
17 However , India produces some very good quality rugs , particularly in Kashmir , and the trend over the last few years has been towards finer and finer items .
18 Both suggest that in the area of sexual morality the change has been towards less restraint , less control and more choice .
19 The direction of tertiary education since the mid-seventies , as the process of contraction has continued , has been towards more responsiveness , more accountability , reduced autonomy .
20 We believe that the diagnosis of hiatal hernia has been over exagerated and only manometric studies combined with precise endoscopic evaluation can say whether we are dealing with a true hiatal hernia or a small initial Barrett 's oesophagus .
21 This may indicate that the conflict has been over peripheral matters , that a core belief in a transcendent power could retain its plausibility , untouched by changing conceptions of the physical world .
22 Whether Ferndale Comprehensive has been over enthusiastic or not it does seem that one union at least seems to think that marketing is one of the deadliest of sins !
23 A recent strand test showed that it has been over processed .
24 In November , he warned that if the likes of IBM and DEC did n't implement drastic measures they 'd go through ‘ Holy Heck ’ — DG has been through that and if the company is confident about one thing , it is that the worst is over .
25 The Liberal Democratic Party has been through many name changes since the 1987 election .
26 A former senior minister who has been through many spending rounds says we take them all much too seriously , they are merely a mating ritual , he says , adding , and a barren one at that , no offspring .
27 The United Kingdom has been through 13 years in which unemployment has more than doubled , irreplaceable assets have been wasted , markets at home and abroad have been lost , manufacturing investment has fallen , poverty has increased , the crime rate has rocketed , and talents have been neglected .
28 Our Regional Association has been through difficult times , mainly due to isolation and communication problems .
29 ‘ The North has been through some hard times , and things are changing .
30 As a result , an Inservice Panel was established in June 1983 , and it has been through this body that project-related INSET development can be traced .
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