Example sentences of "has only [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A woman on the dole in a Sunderland sink estate tells me she has only voluntarily paid rent for two weeks in three years .
2 But the railway station has only tardily gained recognition for its contribution both to the railway system in particular and to culture and society in general .
3 For both occupational strata female employees earn about 60 per cent of the wages of their male counterparts , and this discrimination against and exploitation of women 's labour has only marginally decreased through legislation such as the Equal Pay Act of 1970 .
4 It also enables management to anticipate both beneficial and adverse trends before the event or take evasive action when the evidence of an emerging problem has only just presented itself .
5 Planning permission was granted two months ago but the generating company , National Power , has only just decided to go ahead .
6 Strongly independent all his life , John Granger did n't let blindness change his lifestyle , and although now in his nineties has only just moved into a sheltered flat in Oxford .
7 Now twenty-four , she came to London originally from Gloucestershire , and has only just moved ‘ south of the river ’ to start a new job .
8 — Clearly the words ‘ Now I am seeing this as apex ’ can not so far mean anything to a learner who has only just met the concepts of apex , base and so on — But I do not mean this as empirical proposition .
9 The computer evidence problem has only just arisen .
10 In most European countries insider dealing has only just become an offence , thanks to a 1989 European Community directive .
11 But the horridly fascinating subtlety of the mite 's means of infestation has only just become clear , thanks to Dr Nigel Franks and colleagues at the University of Bath , who have been studying infested colonies in observation nests .
12 Ms Bhutto has only just survived a vote of no confidence by the opposition , when her slim and wavering majority was cut by half , partially because of the defection of four of the tribal members to opposition benches .
13 No longer in the calendar with a prime week of its own , an event which has only just survived this year through a last minute rescue sponsorship package , will hardly be able to reduce its prize money in 1993 from the $1m it already pays to the Double-Up new minimum of $625,000 , even though it will no longer be guaranteed even one of the top ten ranked or other leading box office players .
14 The suggestion of a silver thread among the dark men in green makes Gus appear a distinguished elder statesmen , far too distinguished-looking for a man who has only just reached 29 .
15 THE Queen 's cousin , Sir Angus Oglivy , has bought himself an early Christmas present — a Zike , the invention launched last summer by Sir Clive Sinclair but which has only just reached the shops at £499 .
16 The program has only just reached the material development loop , but it is nonetheless quite useful to look at its progress and comment on the development so far .
17 My son has only just reached his majority , and I understand he is in no immediate financial need .
18 BRITAIN 'S ‘ greenest ’ car is the Subaru Vivio 660cc which has only just gone on sale .
19 But the story has only just begun .
20 It has only just begun .
21 ‘ Down To Earth ’ will prove that she has not only mastered here medium , but that she has only just begun .
22 Paco has only just begun to speak openly of reincarnation : ‘ The time has come when the Seventh Sea is going to open . ’
23 As the song says , it has only just begun .
24 The Department of Interior has only just begun a two year study to streamline the fiendishly complex sets of planning rules that govern new mining projects .
25 Looking for a plausible mechanism is slightly easier , but the search has only just begun , and there are few clues to go on at present .
26 Instead , a somewhat more benign Major nightmare has only just begun .
27 Its internal political development has only just begun .
28 BSL research has only just begun and a great deal more will emerge in the coming years .
29 This process has only just begun and is likely to continue until the middle of this decade .
30 The release of version 2.0 has only just begun , yet the company is already plugging version 3.0 .
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