Example sentences of "has be [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The British still tend to treat him with a faintly hostile embarrassment : as well they might , since for the past four years , his principal message has been condemnation of their duplicity in , as he sees it , backing away from promises to introduce democratic government by 1997 .
2 The main problem has been lack of support , both in attendance and especially help .
3 One source of instability , you rightly note , has been lack of competitiveness in countries like Italy , whose unit labour costs rose by 10% compared with those of other industrial countries between 1987 and August 1992 .
4 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
5 There is a considerable volume of commentary stemming from Locke 's Some Thoughts Concerning Education ( 1693 ) , and from the reception of Rousseau 's Emile , first translated in 1763 , but this is mainly ideological , although there has been discussion of Locke 's attitude to what should be taught in straightforward histories of education .
6 In the 1920s , an uncle founded the Barrandov film studios that were to have their finest hour with the Czech New Wave of the Sixties , and his father was responsible for and owned , among other buildings , the Lucerna block in the heart of the city which has been part of the life of most Pragers , with its remarkable collection of art-deco restaurants , bars , cinemas and concert hall .
7 It did little for the image of a man who has been part of the backbone of the team for so long , and was playing in his eighty-seventh Test .
8 Mr Lyons has been part of the team which restructured Labour 's industrial policy , the fruits of which were seen in John Smith 's alternative Budget .
9 It is organised in year groups and faculties and has been part of the Cheshire ‘ Cost Centre ’ scheme since 1976 .
10 Since 1965 it has been part of Darwin College .
11 For the United States , this has been part of its purpose as an aspect of counter-insurgency policy : to prevent the mass of the population defecting to the FMLN and its allies , and to deal with the social and economic costs of about half a million displaced persons .
12 The hamlet of Thornholme has been part of Burton Agnes parish since time immemorial .
13 We are in the early stages of developing a day-case surgery/five-day ward and would be very interested to hear from anyone who has been part of a similar project .
14 He has been part of the decision-making process to broaden the game 's amateur ideals : ‘ The players now have a very square deal worked out ’ .
15 The Christmas tree has been part of the festivities in Britain since the last century .
16 In such intimate matters , one would expect that the feelings of the old person about their body and the extent to which ‘ family frankness ’ has been part of earlier experience would also play a part .
17 This new interest has not relied simply on a moral redefinition of ‘ crime ’ to draw attention to analogous , but uncriminalised , activities of the ruling class ( although that has been part of it ) .
18 An Ecumenical Jury has been part of the Festival for the past 19 years .
19 It would be very wise if the Left advocated the policy of land-value taxation , which has been part of Liberal policy this century .
20 For Brazil , which had been the US 's chief Latin American ally among surrounding neutrals in World War II , the decline of the bipolar alliance system has been part of a long , slow process of growing mutual disenchantment .
21 But however much that sense of a local spiral of depression exists , there is an ever-present sense that the economic crisis has been part of broader international changes and problems .
22 A high regard for ivory has been part of the human heritage since the first appearance of modern man .
23 You can at least see or hear , which has been part of your ordinary physical development .
24 Patronage by the Church has been part of the musical world for centuries , and in the past many of the greatest composers have depended upon it for their livelihood .
25 The rubbish tip has been part of the scene since we moved to our market street seven years ago .
26 Although Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom for nearly three hundred years , it has never lost its identity as a separate nation , and Edinburgh has remained the centre of its government , church and law , which itself can provide an incentive to study in the capital .
27 Glenrothes College has been part of the general SVQ programme from the start , and , like many piloting centres , we are learning as we go .
28 The broadening of aims and objectives has not been a sudden panic measure to the market forces of the 1990s but has been part of a professional and careful reassessment which has been in progress since at least the late 1960s .
29 IT has been part of the creation of so called post modernism , through its ability to destroy the meaning of time and space .
30 The March name has been part of the racing scene for some twenty years , attracting top drivers including Nikki Lauda and James Hunt , and winning three grand prix in the 70s .
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