Example sentences of "has [be] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
2 The role of CCG 's Safety and Training Department has been to analyse the information available : clarify the requirements and keep management , staff and clients up to date on developments .
3 These cases seem to indicate that the effect of RSC Ord. 53 , r. 3(7) has been to liberalize the law of standing .
4 The main idea here has been to exploit the existence of particles known as ‘ muons ’ which in some ways behave like electrons , but are some 207 times heavier and are unstable .
5 Arguedas , however , was faced with the thorny problem of translating into the alien medium of Spanish the sensibility of a people which expresses itself in Quechua , and his great achievement has been to evolve a style which captures the rhythm and flavour of Quechua to convey the spiritual world of the Andean Indians .
6 The current Government 's approach to local government finance — most notably through the poll tax fiasco — has been to destroy the independence of local authorities by reducing their powers to raise and spend revenue .
7 Nevertheless , although it is easy to see why the thrust of the arguments has throughout been to concentrate on the charging of the suspect and ( in the light of Ex parte Saunders ) on the association of a renewed caution with any exercise of the Director 's powers where the person under interrogation has already been charged , I believe that the result has been to set the inquiry off in the wrong direction .
8 Morally speaking , one of the worst aspects of the autonomy-centred Enlightenment attitude has been to denigrate the receptive virtues , to make us so obsessed with giving that we do not know how to receive .
9 The paradoxical effect of this has been to put the researcher , including the one who claims to be working within applied linguistics , at a remove from the only contexts of application which can provide substantiating evidence for the relevance of the research .
10 Where creating UK income is not an immediate concern , the usual response has been to put the intangible into a tax haven and charge royalties from there .
11 Part of my job as your representative has been to put the views and ideas offered by you , the teacher , to the organising committees of the Society .
12 The aim of the series has been to record the domestic interior through contemporary visual records such as paintings , prints and drawings .
13 In this introductory discussion , my concern has been to stress the need for empathy and the difficulties in achieving it in relation to old people .
14 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
15 The solution therefore has been to agree a change of use for the Wilkins building — to a hotel — with an office development behind .
16 The bereaved have always wished to ‘ remember ’ their dead , in the literal sense of reconstituting form and feature ; an integral part of this process has been to visualise the place of death and burial and , if possible , to visit it .
17 The aim , then , has been to see the problem afresh , and a first reformulation of it was offered in Chapter iii .
18 They tend to be the larger companies , I have to be fair , er , but er , one of the encouraging things from my point of view , and I , we started rather early , maybe fifteen , twenty years ago has been to see the growth of this particular sector , where people have moved progressively into , I think a much more enlightened posture in the last ten or fifteen years , and B I C , Business in the Community of course , have to take , I think much credit for that .
19 Princess Anne has been to see the inmates at work … behind bars .
20 The whole tenor of planning policy has been to restrict the presence of industry in the countryside and to preserve it as a largely pastoral backwater .
21 Ever since 1986 , when the Wyoming Game and Fish Department took the last black-footed ferret from the wild and placed it in a captive-breeding programme , the intention has been to reintroduce the species to the prairies of Wyoming as soon as enough individuals had been bred .
22 The most important effect of this degree of government control has been to render the House of Commons incapable of adapting its procedure to keep pace with altered administrative practices .
23 The usual approach to discussion on the role of armaments in modern Marxist literature has been to allocate a third department of production specifically for such production .
24 The Government 's approach has been to tackle the misuse of knives by tightening the law on possession of knives in public .
25 On the other hand , Major 's strategy so far has been to initiate a secret review of intelligence gathering in Northern Ireland .
26 Part of that role — as deputy to the Superintendent — has been to promote a multi-agency approach to crime prevention and community safety , forging close contacts with district councils as well as other statutory and voluntary groups within Hampshire .
27 Although there have been periods of economic stagnation or crisis , including the exceptionally severe crisis of the 1930s ( which itself failed to engender large-scale revolutionary movements in most of the capitalist countries ) , and a renewed depression in the 1980s , the general tendency of capitalism has been to promote a continuous , and sometimes rapid , improvement in material standards of living , in which a large part of the working class , if not the whole class , has shared .
28 Our main concern has been to promote the concept of self-evaluation as a tool for management and improvement of services .
29 ‘ The effect has been to reinforce the concentration of unemployment in traditional inner city areas ’ , the Centre for Local Economic Strategies ( CLES ) reported in Local Work ( 1988 ) , ‘ and in the regions which were already suffering the worst unemployment before 1979 . ’
30 In the species accounts which follow the aim has been to describe the ‘ normal ’ pattern as far as possible .
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