Example sentences of "has [verb] from a " in BNC.

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1 The teaching force , disillusioned and aggrieved at the treatment it has received from a succession of Secretaries of State , has been less willing in recent years to devote unpaid hours to community bridge-building .
2 Since the Second World War , executive search in the US has developed from a small cottage industry into a $ multimillion , multinational business which has deeply penetrated American corporate life .
3 He points to the way in which the law has developed from a maze of individual sets of circumstances in which one or other of the prerogative writs would lie to a general principle under which courts will review decisions on the three grounds of illegality , irrationality and procedural impropriety : see per Lord Diplock in Council of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service [ 1985 ] A.C. 374 , 410 .
4 Names after the Arabic for finger , ‘ banan ’ , this slightly curved tropical fruit has developed from a luxury treat into today 's trendy , healthy convenience food .
5 The TQM strategy has developed from an earlier corporate planning exercise carried out in 1986 and more recently from a comprehensive survey conducted by an external quality consultant with support from the SDA .
6 This chapter has examined from a comparative standpoint a number of important characteristics of trade unions , mainly in relation to industrialised , market-type economies .
7 In its short life the EMS pound has fallen from a peak of DM3.03 to as low as DM2.86 .
8 Employment among lone mothers ( now 42 per cent ) has fallen from a peak of 49 per cent in 1979–81 although it is now higher than the low of 39 per cent in 1983–85 .
9 Since this treatment was introduced , the number of fatal overdoses has fallen from a peak of 192 in 1978 , to 152 in 1980 , the last year for which figures are available .
10 As in that sequence ( 1 — 17 ) , so in this ( 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 ) the I is suppressed altogether , the Thou has fallen from a pedestal to the gutter .
11 The number of occupied psychiatric beds in England has fallen from a peak of 148 000 in 1954 to about 55 000 in 1990 .
12 Tree-planting has fallen from a peak of 29,000 hectares in the year to March 1988 to 17,300 hectares in 1992 , following the replacement of tax incentives for planting by a grant system in the 1988 budget .
13 As a result , the number of days lost each year through strikes has fallen from an average 12.9 million in the 1970s to less than a million last year — the lowest figure since records began a century ago .
14 Their cash has fallen from an average £4.20 a week last year to £4 , a survey reveals today .
15 First , the length of time which couples spend in shared accommodation has fallen from an average of almost three years for people who married before 1955 , to around one and a half years for people married in the late 1960s ( p. 12 ) .
16 Herodotus has long been regarded as a mythographer as much as a historian , for he records not just the bare facts , but the multiple versions of events he has gathered from a variety of sources .
17 The magnitude of the decrease has varied from a fall of 88% in the white population of USA to a much smaller decrease in Norway .
18 In Sweden the native ( albeit primitive ) Swedish Polled has dropped from a quarter of a million milking cows in the 1950s to perhaps 2,500 today , pushed out by imported Friesians and by the amalgamated Swedish Red-and-White , while the national dairy herd as a whole has dropped from 1.6 million cows in 1950 to about 576,000 in the 1980s , though the average milk yield per cow has doubled .
19 Its vote has dropped from a high of 62% in 1972 to 55% in 1990 .
20 This is because Western religion has come from a Semitic origin where life was serious as befits a desert people .
21 The major contribution to informed debate about the search for sites for the disposal of nuclear wastes has come from a group of geographers ( Openshaw et al. 1989 ) and a GIS approach to this problem can pay high dividends .
22 Funding has come from a variety of sources including the Wolfson Foundation and Charitable Trust , the Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund , the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London , the British Glass Education Trust and private donations .
23 For example , the donation of some R25,000 worth of roofing material has come from a French company .
24 However , three quarters of the fall in total mortality since 1970 has come from a reduction in deaths attributed to diseases of the circulatory system ( figure ) .
25 The question then as to whether feminism and Christianity are compatible is that of whether the equality of women is compatible with a religion which has come from a past patriarchal age .
26 Pressure has come from a number of sources in the economic , political , social and legal environment , and there is survey evidence to demonstrate a growth in the number of consultative committees now in operation .
27 The only squeak of protest so far has come from a Law Society spokesman , Mr Jeremy Allen , who is also a Nottingham solicitor : ’ An enormous number of people had had their journeys interrupted and it has caused them concern .
28 In role the teacher enters as a traveller to tell them that she has come from a neighbouring village , where Roman soldiers are delivering a decree that all will have to pay a new tax ; the traveller has to go on her way .
29 A traveller who has come from a nearby town , where the Romans have already given out their orders ( low to equal status ) .
30 Aid agencies all over the world have tried to ease their situation , but more immediate help has come from a Hereford farmer .
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