Example sentences of "has [verb] [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Smith , who 's Belgian by birth , has taught herself Hungarian so she can work in Hungary to raise money — but ultimately without more funds the cost of helping Ashley stand on his own two feet may prove too high .
2 And He shall say : ‘ I receive them , O ye wise ones , I receive them , O ye men of learning , inasmuch as not one of these has deemed himself worthy . ’
3 But here HM has done itself proud .
4 The very latest Cairo tittle-tattle is that President Hosni Mubarak ( who has a reputation for honesty ) has made himself rich by taking a cut from every barrel of oil exported .
5 When Faraway Moses , who was once Count St Sylvain and a Black Rider , is captured and imprisoned , Jasper the Terrible , who has made himself responsible for the boy in his own household , offers to release the man who has become like a father to Dick if he will reveal the names of the other Confederates .
6 To cope with the aftershock , Mr Perez has made himself unpopular by bringing in painful economic reforms .
7 By waiting so long , it has made itself vulnerable to a systemic collapse .
8 Apple has made itself unpopular by suing Digital Research , MicroSoft and Hewlett-Packard to protect the ‘ look and feel ’ of the Apple Macintosh graphical user interface .
9 At first I had suggested that I should keep her company but she dismissed the idea at once : ‘ I am not a child , and I refuse to be treated as one ’ , and I guessed she wanted to be alone rather as a young girl might who sets out to post an imaginary letter , hoping to meet on the way the person for whom she has made herself beautiful .
10 Stephen has shown himself capable thus far . ’
11 The second hopeful sign is that the state and its criminal justice system ( broadly conceived to include criminal , administrative , and civil law ) has shown itself receptive to arguments that corporate crime victims deserve protection and that corporate criminals deserve sanctioning , particularly when those arguments have been well orchestrated , empirically supported , and contain implicit electoral threats .
12 The Soviet Union has shown itself anxious to expand trade with , for example , Mexico , with which Moscow already has good and well-established political relations .
13 While Parliament itself can regulate such matters it has shown itself reluctant to do more than call on " the good sense of M.P.s not to abuse their privilege . "
14 After a year and a half of desultory contacts , none of the parties to the conflict has shown itself able to give enough to elicit a useful response from the other side .
15 In the cases it has dealt with to date , the Commission has shown itself willing to clear horizontal mergers which produce high market shares , where there is strong competition from actual or potential competitors .
16 This opens up the possibility of negotiations between the Commission and the parties concerned and the Commission has shown itself willing to resolve cases on the basis of undertakings in [ two ] of the [ five ] proceedings it has brought to date .
17 And Hewlett-Packard has shown itself willing to make regular infilling acquisitions as it has grown — the company was heavily castigated for the price it paid for Apollo Computer Inc , but without Apollo , it would not be in anything like such a strong position today .
18 A loose girl who sleeps around and has got herself pregnant !
19 Uneasy Landscapes , at the age of 47 , after a successful business career , Eddie Dayan turned to his passion of 25 years and has devoted himself full-time to photography .
20 This easily translates into the notion that law is , or ought to be , on their side ; yet like other popular movements , the peace movement has found itself involved with ‘ the law ’ in a complex variety of ways , both passively and actively .
21 And the IWC has found itself powerless to act to regulate the Faroes hunt because Denmark is claiming that the IWC has no authority over small whales , a view conveniently shared by other countries like Japan and Mexico who hunt or ‘ accidentally' ’ catch dolphins within their exclusive economic fishing zones .
22 Every woman who has found herself alone and lonely knows that sinking feeling when told : ‘ You ought to join something , find a new interest , go to evening classes ’ .
23 Computer based , critical path planning ( CPP ) provides confidence that the organisation has carefully considered the requirements and has set itself realistic achievement targets .
24 Unfortunately , molecular evidence , which has proved itself useful in other areas of disagreement , has yet to prove itself here .
25 With the illicit amorous adventures of wives in the situation of the eternal triangle ( husband , wife , lover ) being the most common single dramatic type in the fabliaux , the most frequent type as the object of ridicule is the deceived husband , often not merely cuckolded but on occasion beaten or otherwise degraded or abused as well ; and what is more after all this sometimes so utterly deceived that he remains happy in the delusion that his wife has proved herself faithful to him .
26 Roy Wegerle , the £1 million Rangers newcomer who has declared himself available to the United States , was last night offered the chance of an alternative route to the World Cup next summer by Bobby Robson .
27 The 35-year-old St Helens pack star has declared himself available for next month 's World Cup Final against the Aussies .
28 He has declared himself general co-ordinator of a new Parliament of Popular Power which , although it has no legislative authority , appears destined to take the place of the country 's National Assembly , which was dissolved last month .
29 The Court also considered the reverse situation , where the third party claims that it has become entitled to the benefits of a Convention , either because it has declared itself willing to be bound , or because it has shown its willingness by its conduct .
30 In the draft party statutes , one rule specifically states that once the Lithuanian party has declared itself independent , members will have until the 28th Soviet Party Congress next October to decide whether to stay with the Lithuanian party , or leave it and join the Soviet party .
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