Example sentences of "been given [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alone of twentieth-century prime Ministers her name has been given to a political ‘ doctrine ’ and undoubted political style .
2 This number had previously been given to a liaison unit with the R.A.F. contingent in France in early 1940 , and before that to a Bomber Command training unit .
3 But TODAY can reveal the contract for signals controlling the track to London 's Docklands has been given to a firm called Alcatel , which has manufacturing bases in Germany and Canada .
4 I do not know what consideration had been given to a prosecution of the defendants in this case at the time the letter was written .
5 Some of these are already apparent following Britain 's entry into the ERM : the stoking up of inflation in the mid-1980s and the creation in the 1990s of a million or so extra unemployed , together with thousands of bankruptcies , can properly be ascribed in the main to priority having been given to a managed exchange rate .
6 despite no implied obligation on a landlord to maintain land over which a right of way had been given to a third party there was an obligation in the case where use of property would be impossible in the absence or without that obligation .
7 By 1900 , however , a Far Eastern department had been created and most of the business relating to African questions had been given to a new African department : in other words the administrative subdivisions were adapted to the changing political importance of different parts of the world .
8 The in-can system , for which we hold the patent , won The Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement in 1991 — the first time that this award has been given to a brewer .
9 Mr erm bearing in mind it its multi role capability and the fact that the U K is likely to be engaged in more and more out of air operations in support of U N er has any consideration been given to a maritime variant .
10 This name has lately been given to a Trident submarine .
11 No fewer than 23,000 copies of a glossy PSA calendar have been given to the troops .
12 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
13 Now , if it had simply been given to the woman , Common Law would have said , ‘ We can pay no attention to this separate use .
14 Jane was horrified when Erwin drove up in a Land Rover which had been given to the charity by a large company , and which he had appropriated .
15 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
16 However , last summer I saw German secret high command diaries , charts and maps , which have been given to the Imperial War Museum .
17 Although due emphasis has rightly been given to the quality of the care , the first priority is the provision of sufficient places in residential establishments .
18 Although much attention has focused on the number of people out of work in recent years , less attention has been given to the number of family members who are also affected .
19 Recent attention has also been given to the diabetic with regard to ethnic differences in serum lipid levels which have been observed in the non-diabetic population .
20 what instructions had been given to the architects as to the ground they were to cover ; how far Parliament would be bound by the decision of the Commission [ of Judges ] ; and how we were to guard ourselves against an expenditure which we had been told by high authority would amount to not much less than £5,000,000 or £6,000,000 …
21 Finally , relatively little emphasis has been given to the management of data as a corporate resource , available to a wide community : many environmental data are collected on a project-by-project basis and ‘ lost ’ once the urgency of the initial research is over .
22 In dry parts of the world , such as Australia , forest and bush fires are an important natural hazard and some attention has been given to the ways in which GIS might help examine their potential impacts .
23 At this stage the actual response categories may not have been considered in detail , but if the questions themselves justify inclusion some thought should have been given to the response categories envisaged for analysis since it is the answers which will be analysed .
24 In only two wells has special attention been given to the mud system .
25 Priority has been given to the juristic sources so far , since the concern here is with interpretation , and documents clearly do not attest how they were themselves interpreted .
26 Enright has pointed out with regard to media that ‘ too much attention has been given to the possibilities of the new media supplanting the book , and far too little to the ways in which each can and does supplement the other ’ .
27 Particular attention had been given to the design of heated support bearings to prevent an increase in their mechanical resistance when the lubricant stiffened with a drop in temperature .
28 In this connection considerable thought has been given to the nature and magnitude of the resulting biologically effective radiation dose to the general population .
29 Sadly , far less publicity has been given to the Brandt Commission 's second report , Common Crisis , North South , Co-operation for World Recovery .
30 As stated earlier , less attention has been paid to the factors that determine the readability of illustrations than has been given to the readability of text .
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