Example sentences of "been used by the " in BNC.

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1 The cliff hideout also possessed its own ritual bath , a mikveh , which would normally have been used by the priest for religious purification .
2 Besides the First Century cave , the archaeologists have discovered a group of other man-made caverns believed to have been used by the Second Century anti-Roman Jewish rebel , Bar-Kokhba .
3 The drawing and new evidence about cars suspected of having been used by the bombers , has prompted police to call 1,500 Deal residents for further interviews later this week with 50 officers at a church hall .
4 The cemetery , which probably contains at least 300 Dark Age graves , may have been used by the inhabitants of a statelet possibly known as the Barringas - ‘ the people of Barra ’ .
5 And of late years it has been used by the inhabitants of Virginia in many disorders , which are occasioned by thick , sizy blood ; so that the root of this plant , when its virtues are fully known , may become one of the most useful medicines yet discovered .
6 No plane like it has since been used by the public .
7 The halberd was not introduced extensively into England or France until as late as the fourteenth century , but may well have been used by the Germanic troops of Barbarossa , particularly those vassals from the more northerly territories .
8 Indeed , local government has often been used by the right of the Conservative Party to promote the introduction of ‘ market forces ’ into , and the privatization of , certain state services , and by the left of the Labour Party to develop ‘ local socialism ’ and the extension of public sector services into areas of the community previously untouched by local government .
9 Trusts were ideally suited for such treatment since they did not presuppose that certain words had been used by the testator , but merely that a certain intention had been manifested .
10 It has been used by the Royal Family , and is now used by the Royal Household and senior railway staff .
11 Rich in essential fat soluble vitamins A and D , fish oil has been used by the whole family for the maintenance of healthy joints and for general well-being .
12 Cork-stoppers had been used by the Romans as long ago as 500 BC , but were ‘ lost ’ to the French when the Romans left Gaul some twelve hundred years before Dom Pérignon 's day , though they were available elsewhere in Europe .
13 It has been used by the Portuguese Admiralty as a radio station since 1925 .
14 At the Restoration of Charles II , the church which had been used by the Bedford Congregation was returned to the Church of England and its members had to meet on village greens and in barns .
15 However , an amnesty law passed in 1978 , which granted immunity to the perpetrators of human rights violations , has been used by the courts to block full investigations into these cases .
16 The reference guide The Executive Grapevine had been used by the government service organisation and one of the anonymous respondents ; the latter had also responded to mail-shots from headhunters seeking business .
17 They must have been used by the painter of the bull depicted on the flat side of a crystal plaque found at Knossos .
18 Until 1321 , parliament had been used by the king 's opponents as an occasion when pressure might be brought to bear upon him ; to the king , parliament was an inescapable necessity when taxes had to be raised but otherwise was of little significance .
19 I have often read that the use of fish knives is considered passé , and that they have never been used by the aristocracy .
20 So , commissioners have mainly been used by the United States in its relations with France and the United Kingdom .
21 Co-occurrence data has been used by the present project ; the data having been collected from a number of corpora rather than LDOCE .
22 In cases where the souterrain was too large for storage of one village 's produce , it may have been used by the chief of an area as a sort of tithe barn for goods paid to him as tax .
23 As for the farm butter , it is being borne away by the purchasers in the great baskets which look as if they might have been used by the Scarlet Pimpernel to smuggle refugee aristos out of Paris .
24 This power has been used by the police in a variety of ways ; to ask demonstrators to leave the scene , even when acting peacefully .
25 There lies a group of stones deposited by the glacier , the largest of which , the Carlow Stone , is said to have been used by the druids for human sacrifice .
26 The plants grown as herbs in many countries have been used by the inhabitants because it was , and is , natural to use the materials found in the world around one for food , shelter , health and warmth .
27 A General Alexander — a Yorkshire acquaintance of Aitken and an authority on Nigerian affairs who had from time to time provided Aitken , in his journalistic capacity , with snippets of information about the war — had been used by the British government , because of his knowledge of Nigeria and the military position , as an unofficial adviser in these matters .
28 A different approach to estimating the distributive effects of public expenditure has been used by the Central Statistical Office ( CSO ) .
29 On the one hand , age-restrictive social policies have been used by the state both to exclude older workers from the labour force and to legitimate that exclusion through the notion of ‘ retirement ’ .
30 The old Michigan law which preceded the 1974 reform placed an extremely heavy burden of proof upon the prosecution , which had to prove beyond reasonable doubt both that force had been used by the defendant and that the victim was unwilling .
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