Example sentences of "been taken at [art] " in BNC.

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1 One large group of negatives had apparently been taken at a fancy dress party organised by the Duke of Devonshire — over 100 guests had been photographed , most of them with different background settings .
2 Had a sexual history been taken at the time of his first visit , it would have emerged that , although he had a long-lasting and stable sexual relationship with one person , his partner was of a promiscuous nature and was known by Philip H. to have had several casual sexual encounters over the preceding year .
3 As now , the decision who will proceed to A level , and thence to higher education will in effect have been taken at the end of the third year .
4 The fact that very little concerted thought had been given to organizing the juvenile labour-market does not mean that no action had been taken at the local level by schools , skilled employment committees , and several or more local education authorities .
5 Eamonn Dalton , Chief City Engineer , ‘ said it could be argued that the Ovens claim was not based on objective evidence in that the samples said to have been taken at the dump had been handled , transmitted and analysed in all cases presumably by people with a particular interest in one aspect of the case .
6 When I queried the decision I was told that it had been taken at the very highest level , as a result of information not available to me . ’
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