Example sentences of "been so [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Well , it means quite a lot for the people who are living in Germany , especially the ones who are living in the East , because their economy has been so run down , it 's got to be put through a sort of shock treatment .
2 I did n't know , thought it had been so built up .
3 His whole soul had been so given over to dreams of leaving Loxford recently that he was startled to think his father might share them .
4 If he had n't been so puffed up with conceit , the buffalo that had not been noticed by the Moi might now be basking contentedly in the shallows of the river .
5 Further , he suggested that the principle of the exemption of the civilian population from being an intentional object of warfare had been so whittled down during the Second World War and in post-1945 treaties as to cease to offer reliable guidance except in the most unambiguous circumstances .
6 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
7 I will because Mr Mayor I think that councillor started off his response to this by talking about ghettos and a lot of differences between the better off and the worst off and I , the feeling I got from his speech was that what he was actually driving at was he was attempting to perpetuate the class distinction that the Labour party have been so bound up with over the years .
8 Seldom has a team been so fired up prior to a major match , due largely to the pompous comments of Tipperary manager Babs Keating , who should have known better .
9 For no other subject of public concern — not for economic policy , disarmament , welfare reform , nuclear power plants — has the professional outlook on a controversy been so shut off from a voice in the national press .
10 Only everything 's been so buggered up today in general … , ’
11 Hitherto she had been so tied up in the day-to-day mechanics of the company that she was often forced to consider time for research as a luxury .
12 Jack 's been so cut up about poor Charlie .
13 If you ask me , if she had n't been so fussed over by you and your Mum she 'd have turned round and faced up to things and been a lot happier .
14 She had been so caught up in her memories that she had n't heard him approaching .
15 He had been so caught up in his thoughts he not heard the T'ang enter .
16 She 'd been so caught up in her thoughts that the voice near her side came as a shock , but even as she turned she realised the words had n't been aimed at her .
17 Coffin wished he had observed Edward Pitt more closely on that evening , but he had been so taken up with Letty .
18 He stood with his hands in his pockets and she realised she had been so taken up with her seemingly childish pursuit that she had not even heard the car arrive .
19 Kate had been so taken up with her own affairs that she 'd rather forgotten Ace 's part in the drama .
20 I think they had both been so wrapped up in themselves they had quite forgotten my existence .
21 If I had n't been so snowed under I 'd have phoned myself , and you could have reminded me .
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