Example sentences of "been on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Valerie Way had been on a teachers ' course concerned with gender and the curriculum and described what happened when she returned to school .
2 He 'd been on the roads for days and they still retained their winter mire , despite the advent of finer spring weather .
3 The average age of single deck vehicles was 10.3 years , while the county 's 88 more recently introduced mini-buses had been on the roads an average of 5.3 years .
4 Certainly some , like British Telecommunications , gas , electricity and water , produced spectacular financial results , but the lasting impact has been on the businesses themselves .
5 It is therefore timely to consider what the impact of this mandatory scheme for school self-evaluation has been on the teachers , recalling what the stated intentions were at the outset :
6 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
7 You 'd have been on the streets , girl , that 's where you 'd 'ave been . ’
8 What did she mean , her mother had been on the streets ?
9 So I was Been on the streets now for about eight years .
10 She started ‘ working ’ at the age of 14 and has been on the streets for five years .
11 Living rough : Stewart has been on the streets in Edinburgh for three years , sleeping wherever he can find shelter and surviving on a mixture of benefits and begging .
12 Many , particularly from The Times and Sunday Times , had been on the papers in Gray 's Inn Road and Printing House Square all their working lives , and for most of them the strike was about more than trade-union principles .
13 Beyond the fringe Nicky Mason , who has been on the fringes of England 's best men 's team for 30 years , showed during England 's outstanding 5-1 victory that he can still …
14 He had been on the fringes of politics in the nineteen-hundreds , he had sought erm to get adopted as a parliamentary candidate , he had erm taken part in the movement for female emancipation , erm on one occasion the police were only prevailed upon to save him from being mobbed by an angry crowd by being told that he was the brother of an Earl erm But it was with the First World War that his practical activities really began .
15 Some of it I ca n't disclose , some of it would have been on the lines of : ‘ Make sure you do this or that ’ .
16 The majority of suggestions have been on the lines that there should be a one- or two-year period in which it should be possible for the capital of discretionary trusts to be distributed tax free provided the settlement was made before 26th March 1974 and the result of the distribution was that there would be either absolute entitlement to the property or an interest in possessing it .
17 One of the reasons for the improvement in pedestrian safety on the Continent over the past decade , is that the focus of traffic calming work has been on the areas where most people live , that is on existing , not new , residential areas .
18 Er I do n't know but I would i I would reckon the crime rate since we 've been on the flats , even though the the flats are emptying out , h h has dropped er dramatically .
19 . Erm we 've had one attempted well one arson attack in the the period which we 've been on the flats .
20 But since we 've been on the flats , there 's probably been half a dozen muggings .
21 I 've been on the railways all my life , eh ? ’
22 Such a move would have greatly simplified the supplementary benefit system , as fewer people eligible for benefit would have been on the books of local social security offices .
23 It would n't have been on the books if I ever seen blatant sectarianism at its worst it 's in that bloody motion .
24 Also , much of the money for the campaign has come from the community itself , and where outside groups have provided assistance , either financially or otherwise , it has been on the terms of the YCCC rather than anyone else .
25 I think he even been on the boards himself in the early days .
26 Just as Jennie had been on the sidelines while his first wife was alive , Mary became his mistress almost immediately he went through his second marriage ceremony .
27 The Paddington Bear wallpaper that had been on the walls for years was mocking her .
28 And saved : The ice rink that had been on the skids .
29 there has been hardly any research on the police compared with the large output of critical scholarship on industry , commerce , the civil service , the health service and education … what little direct research there has been on the police has scarcely begun to ask such fundamental questions as what is the police force and what is it doing .
30 Well quite obviously if you are going to curtail something like that , some of those who had been on the police authorities will now find that they are not on the police authority and therefore that causes understandable anxiety and therefore rumpus .
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